Kytta Ointment®

Synonyms in a broader sense

Latin name: Symphytum officiale

  • Traumaplant


The mobility of the human body is based on the interaction of bones, joints and muscles. If this structure is disturbed, this means a great restriction of the quality of life. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop.

The skeleton, for example, also known as the skeleton of the bones, determines the shape of the body. The bone substance is built up and broken down. Bone substance is built up until the age of 30.

After that the balance is reversed and bone resorption begins. The risk of poorly healing fractures increases, especially in women during the menopause. With advanced age, joint diseases occur, caused by heavy wear and tear.

The joints are exposed to the greatest stress for the rest of their lives. The muscles are connected to the bones via the tendons. When this balance is disturbed, the complaints begin.

In acute conditions, such as muscle pain, blunt injuries, such as bruises, contusions, pulled muscles, torn muscle fibers, sprains and inflammations, herbal medicines or medicinal herbs, such as comfrey, e.g. in the form of Kytta Salve®, are completely sufficient in some cases. The forms of acute muscle pain include muscle cramps, muscle ache and muscle hardening. Blunt injuries include torn muscle fibers, pulled muscles, bruises, contusions, dislocations and sprains of the joints.

Today, Kytta Ointment® can be purchased over the counter at pharmacies. The finished preparation in the form of an ointment is a high-dose leg wave exctact. After external application of Kytta Ointment®, the pain generally subsides rapidly, the swelling subsides and the inflammation is inhibited.

If the pain is severe, an ointment dressing made of Kytta Ointment® can also be applied. A doctor should accompany the treatment in any case. The herbal pain ointment is very well tolerated.

1g Kytta Ointment® contains 350 mg of comfrey root extract. Kytta Ointment® is particularly successful in the treatment of ankle sprains. The area to be treated must be well massaged with Kytta Ointment® several times a day. The skin must not be injured externally! The treatment should be repeated until the complaints subside.