Leg lifting | Muscle building exercises

Leg lifting

In addition to the squats, leg lifting is another popular exercise to move your muscles to grow. However, leg lifting is a little easier to perform than squats, because there it is very important to perform the movement accurately in order not to injure yourself. In addition, leg lifting is more gentle and is especially for athletes with knee problems.

The body is in a lateral position on a support or the floor. The legs are angled in a 90° position. From this position, the upper leg is lifted about 20 centimeters, held briefly and then lowered again in a controlled manner without putting it down in between.

Sit-ups or crunches are ideal for building up the abdominal muscles. These exercises are very similar, but the crunches are considered to be gentler, as the upper body is not raised quite as much as with sit-ups. The athlete is in a supine position, with the legs angled to the floor.

The hands are placed behind the head and the gaze goes straight up. The abdominal muscles are now used to raise and lower the upper back and shoulders. The head remains in extension of the spine and the hands are held loosely behind the head. When lowering, care should be taken to ensure that the upper body does not sink completely to the floor, but that a little residual tension is maintained. The correct execution also requires that the lower back rests permanently on the floor.

Back stretching while lying down

As training for the back musculature at home, back stretching while lying down is ideal. This exercise is also called Superman exercise because of its execution and is performed lying on the stomach. The legs are stretched straight backwards and the arms next to the head are stretched forward.

Now the athlete lifts the outstretched arms and legs at the same time and tries to lift them up as far as possible and hold this position. Then the limbs are lowered slowly and in a controlled manner. Possible variations are the alternating raising and lowering of the arms and legs.

The exercise can also be performed alternately with the limbs lying diagonally to each other. Athletes who prefer to perform their exercises with the help of training equipment can fall back on a larger repertoire of exercise forms, since the possibilities in fitness studios are much more extensive.This is followed by training forms that specifically contribute to muscle building. However, these exercises should not be performed by beginners, as they require a certain experience with the training equipment.

The most effective for muscle building are so-called multi-joint exercises. In doing so, several joints are activated and a greater training stimulus is developed. Leg press, abduction, lunge (without or with barbell), pelvic lift, leg bends, burpee, knee bendsIn addition to the leg muscles, the gluteal and upper body muscles are also trained in this exercise in order to bring about a targeted muscle build-up.

Usually this exercise is performed on a barbell. In some gyms there are also machines that support the movement leading. You stand with the barbell in a shoulder width position, preferably in front of a mirror.

The barbell rests on the neck and is held and balanced with the hands. The elbows point to the back. The gaze remains directed forward during the entire procedure.

While inhaling, the legs are bent with the back straight until the thighs are horizontal and there is a 90° angle at the knee. The upper body is tilted slightly forward during this movement. The heels remain on the floor.

The legs are then slowly stretched and the upper body straightened. Exhale again during this movement. However, the legs are not stretched completely. It is especially important to note that the back is always in a straight upright position during the entire exercise. Abdominal press, crunch, hip lift, upper body bending, Russian Twist, forearm support, lateral knee lift