Leukoplakia on the labia | Labia

Leukoplakia on the labia

Leucoplasia represents a whitish area of the mucous membrane in the mouth or in the female genital area that cannot be washed away. Leucoplasia is caused by physical or chemical stimuli as well as internal diseases and skin disorders. As a rule, leukoplasias do not cause any symptoms, which is why they are often discovered by chance or even remain undetected. The treatment usually consists of finding the cause and treating it. If there is no improvement within a few weeks, a tissue sample must be taken.

Herpes on the labia

Genital herpes is one of the most common venereal diseases worldwide. The cause is a viral disease, which is usually caused by unprotected sexual intercourse. Symptoms of the disease are painful itching and tingling skin blisters in the genital area from the genital organs to the anus.

Occasionally, tumors can also be found on the genital organs. As the infection progresses, small vesicles filled with fluid can be found in the genital area. In addition, reddened skin areas can be found.

Rarely a feeling of illness such as fever, headache and aching limbs can be found.Herpes can be clearly diagnosed by taking a sample of the vesicles and then examining them. In most cases, however, the typical external features are already relatively clear. Once the herpes virus has entered the human body, it remains in nerve ganglia for a lifetime and can reappear under special physical conditions, such as stress, or when taking immunosuppressive medication.

The initial treatment is usually done with medication in the form of tablets or ointments. In this way, at least the spread of the viruses can be prevented in the best possible way. A herpes disease is an infectious contagious disease that is transmitted through infected body fluids.