Lip Cancer: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The lips, one of the most important sensory organs in humans, are used for articulation, food intake, facial expression. A tumor in this area is associated with significant impairment in functioning. In most cases, it is a malignant form of a tumor. However, if lip cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, there is a good chance of cure.

What is lip cancer?

Lip cancer is indicative of a proliferation of malignant cancer cells that spread on one or both lips. Risk factors are mainly nicotine and intense sunbathing. Lip cancer is divided into two categories. Its growth can be exophylitic or endophylitic. Carcinomas growing exophylitically (exo – outside) show their volume clearly delimiting the surrounding area with a typical fissured surface. In the process, they penetrate into deeper layers. As it progresses, the ulcer (ulcer) becomes visible in the center. Lip cancer, which grows endophytically (endo -inside), is perceived as a coarse and thickened edge. It appears slightly raised in relation to the surrounding skin, but falls flat toward the center. Gray to reddish staining (fibrin) can be seen at the base of the tumor.


The causes are complex. Smoking and a high consumption of alcoholic high-proof drinks are very often involved as main risk factors in the development. However, excessive sunbathing is also detrimental to health. However, both factors at the same time favor the risk even more. An unbalanced diet leads to various deficiency symptoms in the body. For example, an iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency can promote the development of cancer. Dentists also point to an increasing lack of oral hygiene. Caries and periodontitis are only harmless phenomena. In the further consequence the inflammation foci spread by penetrating germs, viruses and bacteria further and promote the development of carcinomas. If a dental prosthesis is still needed at this stage, the fitting can pose problems. These additionally press and chafe, so that foci of infection are not limited to the lip area.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Increased UV light from sun exposure stands as a primary risk factor. Thus, this also explains the frequent occurrence of carcinoma on the lower lip. Thus, from an anatomic point of view, the upper lip is less exposed to sunlight, but is still prone to this type of cancer. The lip carcinoma grows very slowly. During the initial phase, light to whitish spots that cannot be wiped away form on the transitional mucosa on the lip, the cells of which become more keratinized than in the surrounding area. Leukoplakia (white callus disease) develops, which is considered a kind of precursor to cancer. The affected lip area begins to hurt and swell. This is followed by strongly demarcated, dark red and slightly raised lump formations. Signs of cancer can sometimes be recognized by early symptoms that are not specific to the affected body part in the first place. Also, connections are often drawn with already existing diseases. In the later course of the disease, metastases can form via the lymphatic system, which can lead to further complications. Problems become apparent, for example, with chewing and swallowing. The closely branched facial nerves react to pressure effects. Thus, chewing difficulties are the result of swelling in the jaw area, which develops due to bruising and pressure of the surrounding nerves. Some patients also complain of speech disorders. Psychosocial effects are thus preprogrammed. Malignant cancers, such as lip cancer, are accompanied by significant weight loss or chronic fatigue, for example, which are serious warning signs in any case.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

Often, a lip cancer is also confused with herpes simplex, and not infrequently self-treatments with various creams or ointments follow. However, these very much aggravate the initial situation. This also applies to careless waiting, because lip cancer is often only detected at a late stage. Therefore, in case of unclear complaints or suspicious changes in the skin appearance, a clarification should be made by a doctor in any case. The diagnosis of lip cancer is usually made by a clinical examination with magnifying glass.A pre-existing leukoplakia (precursor to cancer) confirms the suspicion through the typical, malignant changes in the skin appearance. To confirm the findings, the doctors use ultrasound, X-ray, computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to examine the structure of the tissue. In the exclusion procedure, a tissue sample (biopsy) is finally taken under local anesthesia. The pathologist can determine the final diagnosis result through the fine-tissue examination. In this case, if the malignant ulcer is less than five millimeters in size, there is still a very good chance of cure.


Due to the lip cancer, the affected person usually suffers from various complaints and symptoms that occur directly on the lips. In most cases, this involves white spots that cannot be removed. Likewise, the lips swell and can also hurt. It is also not uncommon for the lip cancer to cause restrictions or discomfort in the intake of food and fluids, so deficiencies or dehydration may occur. Usually, lip cancer can spread to other areas of the body and affect healthy tissue there as well. It is not uncommon for lip cancer to cause speech defects or weight loss. As in the case of other tumor diseases, the patient becomes fatigued and tired. The quality of life of the affected person is considerably limited and reduced by the lip cancer. Lip cancer can be treated with the help of surgery. There are no particular complications. If the lip cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, it can usually still be treated well. It is possible that the patient’s life expectancy may be limited if the cancer continues to spread.

When should you see a doctor?

If the lips swell, there is cause for concern. If hypersensitivity to applied cosmetic products can be ruled out, a visit to the doctor should be made to determine the cause of the swelling. If there is pain or discomfort in the lip, a doctor should be consulted. If the individual suffers from a loss of appetite, loss of body weight, or refuses to eat, a physician should be consulted. Discoloration of the lips, a feeling of pressure in the lips or other skin changes should be examined and treated. Lump formation on the lips or in their immediate vicinity is a warning sign from the organism. A visit to the doctor should be made so that the reason for the discomfort can be determined through various tests. In case of swelling in the area of the jaw, irregularities inside the mouth or changes in the position of the teeth, a doctor should be consulted. Numbness or disturbances of sensitivity in the face are uncommon. A visit to the doctor is necessary because the nerves in the face are no longer supplied adequately. If there is a change in the formation of sounds, speech disorders or problems with the deliberate deformation of the lips, a doctor is needed. If the affected person suffers from fatigue as well as an increased need for sleep, a doctor should be consulted. Faintness after performing light physical activities is unusual and should also be sought medical attention.

Treatment and therapy

Before treatment begins, an intensive medical history discussion is conducted. The physician will inquire about current complaints with course, about the general medical history as well as about family conditions and hereditary diseases. Targeted queries concern risk factors such as smoking habits and drinking behavior. Using a special medical mirror device, the doctor begins by examining the lips and continues by scanning the oral cavity and the lymph nodes in the neck and lower jaw. In this way, even small enlargements can be detected. Although tumors are usually removed surgically, radiation is an alternative in some cases. It is also possible to use both procedures consecutively. The disadvantage of irradiation before surgery, however, is the high bleeding tendency of the tissue during a surgical procedure. Ultimately, surgery is the only way to reduce the planar spread of the carcinoma. The tumor is removed from the adjacent healthy tissue at all levels with a safety margin of approximately one centimeter.Thus, the procedure also represents a considerable aesthetic incision combined with possible psychological stress. The lip is in any case a very conspicuous facial region, which in addition performs important functions. Therefore, an intervention also influences articulation, facial expression and food intake. Plastic reconstruction should also be performed at intervals. This is especially important in the facial region. In rare cases, the use of Electro-Cancer-Therapy (ECT) is possible. This is a tumor-destroying procedure of alternative cancer treatment. Here, platinum electrodes are placed which directly destroy the malignant cells of the tumor by means of a gentle current. However, its use depends on the tumor size, lymph node status and other metastases in the body, as well as the patient’s age and general condition. Chemotherapy is only used when previous treatments such as radiation and surgery have left no chance of cure.

Outlook and prognosis

If lip cancer can be diagnosed and treated at an early stage of the disease, there is a good chance of cure. Without medical treatment, the prognosis worsens considerably. The cancer cells can spread throughout the organism via the bloodstream and metastasize to various sites in the body. If the malignant cells are not prevented from the process of cell division, they successively destroy organs and important functions for sustaining human life. Ultimately, this results in the premature death of the affected person. With timely cancer therapy, the prospects of recovery increase. In addition to radiation, there is the possibility of surgical intervention to remove the affected and diseased tissue. The treatment measures taken are characterized by numerous risks and side effects. The quality of life is reduced and often there is a strong psychological burden. Nevertheless, according to the current state of medical research, the available treatment methods are the only way to achieve relief from the symptoms. The more stable the immune system of the affected person is and the fewer previous illnesses there are, the better the prospects for a cure. Despite achieving freedom from symptoms, lip cancer can recur at any time during the rest of life. In most cases, the prognosis worsens with a recurrence.


A healthy lifestyle prevents a variety of conditions and diseases from occurring in the first place. To prevent lip cancer, it is simply a matter of avoiding the risk factors. Thus, it requires the avoidance of alcohol and nicotine. Regular dental care and also control examination with dental rehabilitation at the dentist must be kept. Furthermore, in the summer, it is important to use plenty of sunscreen and, in the case of strong sun exposure, to stay in the shade. In the case of unclear skin changes or non-healing wounds, medical advice must of course be sought.


Provided that the lip cancer could be treated successfully, it is important for affected persons to pay attention to a health-promoting lifestyle. Provided that the complaints that occurred during treatment, such as permanent fatigue and exhaustion, are no longer present, aftercare focuses on dealing with the disease in a self-confident manner. Due to the mental strain, those affected not infrequently suffer from depressive moods. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, it can be completely cured. In that case, regular check-ups should be attended. If the cancer has spread further, this can significantly shorten the life expectancy of those affected.

What you can do yourself

In principle, direct sunlight should be avoided. To protect against UV light, sufficient sunscreen should be applied and visits to solariums should be avoided. The sun protection factor should be adjusted to the individual skin conditions. In addition, the consumption of nicotine or similar products should be avoided. These increase the risk of lip cancer or can further worsen the health condition. Patients are advised to limit the use of cosmetic items on the face. Itching and scrubbing as well as independent removal of conspicuous skin lesions should be refrained from.The disease is associated with numerous restrictions and changes in everyday routines. It is therefore important for the patient to strengthen himself mentally and emotionally. Oral hygiene should take place sufficiently despite the complaints so that no further diseases break out. Food and fluid intake must also take place in a comprehensive measure in order not to trigger an undersupply of the organism. Despite all adversities, it is advisable for the patient to maintain an optimistic basic attitude in his situation and not to neglect the needs of his own body. To escape the impairments in phonation, communication should be done by alternative means. Digitally or in writing, the patient can communicate to his environment and thus relieve his lips.