Low blood pressure and headaches- you can do it!


Many people suffer from low blood pressure. Symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or circulatory problems are the result. Slim people who drink little and do not exercise are particularly often affected. Low blood pressure can be brought into the normal range by various measures and thus combat the symptoms associated with low blood pressure. If the measures to normalize the blood pressure are carried out permanently, there is a high probability that the blood pressure will remain in the normal range permanently.

Why does low blood pressure cause headaches?

Low blood pressure can cause stabbing or pulsating headaches. The reason for the headache is the poorer oxygen supply to the brain when the blood pressure is too low. The blood vessels of the brain dilate when the blood pressure is low, and when the blood pressure is high, the blood vessels react by narrowing.

This effect causes that the blood circulation can be maintained within a certain range. However, this mechanism is only effective at systolic blood pressure between 100 and 200 mmHg. If the blood pressure falls below this threshold, the blood flow decreases and headaches occur. The blood flow to the head is of special importance, since the blood must be pumped against gravity. The effects of low blood pressure are therefore first noticeable through symptoms caused by an undersupply of blood to the brain.

What other accompanying symptoms frequently occur?

Other symptoms are dizziness, loss of consciousness, visual disturbances, nausea and tiredness. The symptoms are mainly caused by an undersupply of the brain. The brain is very sensitive to an undersupply of oxygen.

The symptoms caused by the undersupply all cause a desire to bring the body into a horizontal position. The lying position improves the blood supply to the brain and the symptoms gradually disappear. If the undersupply reaches a critical level, fainting occurs.

The affected person is thus forced into a lying position. Normally, the person regains consciousness as a result. Low blood pressure can lead to dizziness due to an undersupply of oxygen to the brain.

Dizziness is caused by the balance organs of the central nervous system and means that information about the current position and movement of the body is not processed correctly. For example, in the organs of equilibrium, which roughly consist of the cerebellum and the inner ear, the signal is processed that we are going in circles. This automatically tenses the muscles that prevent us from falling.

Dizziness signals us that something is wrong and causes us to want to sit or lie down. The dizziness is therefore a protective mechanism of the body so that the brain can be supplied with more blood and oxygen. However, dizziness can also be a symptom of a more serious illness, such as a stroke, and should definitely be clarified by a doctor if it does not subside or is very severe.

Nausea is a symptom that often occurs with low blood pressure. This nausea can have several causes. The body tries to counteract low blood pressure by increasing the release of adrenaline.

The effect of adrenaline is manifold. One of the effects is an inhibition of the movements of the gastrointestinal tract, also called motility. This reduced motility leads to digestive disorders and possibly also to nausea.

Another reason for the nausea is again the undersupply of the brain. On the one hand, the nausea can be caused by the already mentioned dizziness, on the other hand there is another structure in the brain that reacts when there is an undersupply. This structure is called the refractive center or area postrema.

Vomiting is triggered at this structure, which is located in the brain stem. An undersupply can also lead to irritation and thus to vomiting. For some people, low blood pressure primarily leads to fatigue, listlessness and lack of drive.

The rapid fatigue is caused by the insufficient blood supply. Any exertion, be it only a normal daily routine, is less well tolerated. The body needs more phases of regeneration to maintain the body functions. However, persistent fatigue can also be a sign of other diseases.The cause of permanent fatigue should be clarified by a doctor. The combination of fatigue and low blood pressure could classically also be an indication of hypothyroidism.