Constipation in Pregnancy: Causes, Treatment & Help

About constipation during pregnancy complains about every second woman. Thus, it is one of the most common pregnancy complaints, but it does not pose a danger to the mother or the unborn child. There are several ways to prevent and treat the problem.

What is constipation in pregnancy?

A large proportion of all women struggle with constipation during pregnancy. The medical profession refers to constipation when bowel movements occur less frequently than three times a week for three months. In technical language, it is also called constipation. Constipation is characterized by very hard and tough stools. Digestive problems occur more frequently in the last trimester of pregnancy. A large proportion of all women struggle with constipation during pregnancy. The digestive work is mainly disturbed by the enlarged uterus. The change in hormonal balance also causes the digestive tract to slow down. Many expectant mothers experience a constant feeling of incomplete bowel emptying. The sensation of constant blockages at the anus can be very uncomfortable for those affected.


There are various causes for constipation during pregnancy, such as the female sex hormone progesterone. It is responsible for building up the lining of the uterus, which protects the fetus in the uterus from shocks. At the same time, progesterone loosens the connective tissue. This slows down or even inhibits the movements of the muscles. In this way, food stays longer in the intestines to provide the baby with nutrients. Another reason for constipation is the growing uterus. By the end of pregnancy, it grows to the size of two footballs. It presses with all its weight on the reflux veins and the intestinal outlet. Enormous pressure is created there, which leads to blockages in digestion. Also, a new distribution of fluid can cause constipation in pregnant women. The body extracts water from the supplied food to store it in the tissues. The food remains enter the intestines as a dry mass. Last but not least, changes in eating habits, lack of fluids or lack of exercise at the end of pregnancy are also to blame for constipation. For women with iron deficiency, iron tablets can worsen the symptoms.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Iron deficiency
  • Hormone imbalances

Diagnosis and course

Constipation during pregnancy does not actually require medical treatment. The symptoms usually disappear all by themselves after birth. Constipation during pregnancy is usually harmless. However, in the worst case it can lead to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are present in all people as erectile tissue in the mucous membrane of the rectum. Normally, they are well hidden there, so we do not notice them. During pregnancy, however, women often tend to push hard when they suffer from constant constipation. The result is a strong swelling of the hemorrhoids. Then they become noticeable with unpleasant pressure and annoying itching, because they bulge forward like knots. In this case, medical help is recommended. Digestive problems are also a case for the doctor if the stool looks bloody. This problem also leads back to too much pressing. For the doctor, a diary of stool behavior can be helpful to order appropriate therapy.


Constipation during pregnancy is quite normal and recurs at the beginning and end of pregnancy. Treatments are now available. However, it is advised to use natural remedies first. The burden with drug treatment are quite large for a pregnant woman. Also, the child could subsequently bear harm if too much medication is given. Constipation can be solved very well with naturally brewed tea. Ginger and peppermint are suitable for this purpose. It is important to make sure that it is natural peppermint and ginger leaves. With these natural methods, one can rule out side effects and complications per se. However, it may be that in some cases there is an allergy to herbs. If this is the case, one should avoid treatment with these foods. If constipation persists for a long period of time, it is advisable to consult a doctor. This will save you a lot of trouble.In some cases, natural remedies do not help, and the doctor is then forced to resort to other means.

When should you go to the doctor?

Constipation during pregnancy is not one of the common physical changes of pregnancy, but it can occur in phases or as a permanent condition. Provided that it lasts only for a short time and disappears without the need for medication, there is no need to see the doctor. However, the necessity of a visit to the doctor depends mainly on the level of suffering of the affected woman. If a change in diet to natural, high-fiber foods is sufficient to reduce the incidence of constipation during pregnancy, the woman does not need a doctor. If, on the other hand, constipation occurs repeatedly despite a good diet, causes discomfort and pain, and cannot be overcome without the use of laxatives, the doctor should be consulted. However, it is sufficient to bring up the observation at the next appointment with the gynecologist and get his opinion first. However, if the pregnant woman has to take laxatives regularly, she should rather consult a doctor. This is not good for the baby and, of course, for her body, because in the long term it can jeopardize the body’s supply of nutrients. If the intestines are no longer able to extract enough nutrients from the food mush, this will soon have an impact on the health of mother and child. So the visit to the doctor is necessary already for this reason, to find an alternative for the persistent constipation, which is more acceptable for the woman and child.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment with conventional laxatives is not recommended during pregnancy. Over-the-counter agents contain ingredients that can cause contraction of the uterus. These pose a great risk to the unborn child. For this reason, laxatives should only be used in consultation with a doctor or midwife. It often helps if the pregnant woman goes to the toilet as soon as the first pressure is felt and takes her time. Meanwhile, it is important to avoid disturbing factors. The best time to go to the toilet is the first hours of the morning and half an hour after eating. If you have digestive difficulties, a change in diet can work wonders. A diet rich in vitamin E and fiber helps jump-start the metabolism. Fiber is found in flaxseed, wheat bran, muesli, and dried prunes and apricots. They ensure a soft stool. During pregnancy, a healthy diet with plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables is recommended anyway. Since lack of fluids can aggravate digestive problems, expectant mothers should drink two to three liters a day. Good, low-sugar drinks include mineral water, tea or juice spritzers. Well-tolerated gastrointestinal teas additionally stimulate digestion. If there is no improvement with a change in diet, there are a number of gentle remedies available in pharmacies. For example, psyllium seeds improve intestinal motility. They can be eaten pure with yogurt or dissolved as a powder in water and drunk. Only in very bad cases will the doctor prescribe medication with one of these active ingredients: macrogol, lactulose, bisacodyl, glycerol, sodium picosulfate or Glauber’s salt. Agents containing mannitol or sorbitol are administered for rectal use.

Outlook and prognosis

Constipation during pregnancy does not affect every woman, and it is impossible to predict how often constipation will occur during the course of pregnancy. It depends first on what triggers the constipation. If the woman becomes susceptible to it due to hormonal changes in the body, she may experience recurrent constipation throughout the pregnancy. In other cases, the increasing size of the baby causes constipation to occur. In that case, they rarely if ever occur at the beginning of pregnancy, but get worse as the baby’s weight increases. Constipation during pregnancy is no longer a problem after birth, unless it has another cause. Usually, they are only mild to moderate constipations, so the pregnant woman does not need to do anything other than wait and pay attention to a healthy diet. Although they cannot be completely avoided during pregnancy, the likelihood of constipation can be reduced by eating a diet rich in fiber and natural, low-fat foods.Many women notice that they tolerate constipating food even worse during pregnancy than before. If abdominal pain occurs and bowel movements become very painful or even impossible, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor to be on the safe side.


A healthy diet high in fiber and vitamin E can prevent constipation. Dietary fiber swells in the intestines, so stool is eliminated more quickly. Sufficient fluid intake during pregnancy also contributes to physical well-being. This not only prevents constipation, but also circulatory problems. Pregnant women should also try to keep blood sugar levels constant. On the one hand, this prevents gestational diabetes. On the other hand, a low-sugar diet improves bowel function. Expectant mothers can regularly promote digestion with abdominal massages. The gentle touches are also good for the unborn baby.

Here’s what you can do yourself

Constipation during pregnancy, although very unpleasant, can be easily alleviated by your own interventions. In order to keep the entire body function and thus also the intestinal activity in swing, it is important to keep the organism fit. It is therefore also very important to exercise regularly during pregnancy. Suitable sports during pregnancy are cycling or swimming. If this type of physical activity is associated with too much effort in the last trimester of pregnancy, moderate walks are recommended. In addition to exercise, a sufficient intake of [[fluid balance|fluids is necessary. This should be about two to three liters a day. The best way to quench thirst is with tea or water. Drinks with a high sugar content are not recommended. Diet can also have a massive influence on bowel movements. Many sufferers report that a cold glass of orange juice or milk in the morning can counteract the problem. In general, the diet should be rich in fiber. Foods with a very high fiber content are legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, many types of cabbage, broccoli, sauerkraut, apples and raspberries. Fruits such as prunes and melons also aid digestion. Relaxation is also important for a normal digestive system. Therefore, bubble baths and relaxation sports such as yoga and Pilates can also help.