Mental and Behavioral Disorders

In the following, “mental and behavioral disorders” describes diseases that are assigned to this category according to ICD-10 (F00-F99). The ICD-10 is used for the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems and is recognized worldwide.

Mental and behavioral disorders

A behavioral disorder is a conspicuous pattern of behavior that is inappropriate to the situation and not goal-directed.Mental and behavioral disorders are multifactorial disorders that usually develop in childhood. They affect cognitive, social and motor levels. Affective behavior is also typical, which is understood to mean brief and impulsive emotional expressions such as anger, hatred or even joy. If the affected person or the social environment suffer from the behavior, it is called a disorder. Often, however, those affected do not perceive their behavior as an impairment themselves. Conspicuous behavior disorders are, for example, strong restlessness, aggression against people and animals, extreme anxiety, uncontrolled outbursts of rage, screaming, concentration problems, obscene behavior, refusal to comply or deliberate destruction of objects. Behavioral problems can be temporary, such as due to an acute stressful event, but they can also become a permanent problem and thus require treatment.

Mental and behavioral disorders can be classified into the following groups according to ICD-10:

Organic, including symptomatic mental disorders (F00-F09)In these disorders, the cause is cerebral (“affecting the brain“) disease, brain injury, or other damage that results in a disturbance of brain function. The brain may be directly affected (primary dysfunction) or secondary as part of a systemic disease (multiple organs are affected). Mental and behavioral disorders caused by psychotropic substances (F10-F19)The disorders or diseases to be assigned to this group are caused by the use of one or more psychotropic substances such as alcohol, opioids, cocaine, cannabinoids, sedatives (tranquilizers), or hypnotics (sleeping pills). Schizophrenia, schizotypal, and delusional disorders (F20-F29)The most important disorder in this group is schizophrenia. Furthermore, persistent delusional disorders and transient psychotic disorders are included. Affective disorders (F30-F39)The disorders in this group are manifested by changes in mood or affectivity that are either classified as depression or a mood high. The mood change is usually accompanied by a change in the general level of activity. Triggers are often stressful events. The majority of these disorders tend to relapse. Neurotic, stress, and somatoform disorders (F40-F48)These include disorders such as phobias, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, somatoform disorders, and dissociative disorders. Behavioral disorders with physical disorders and factors (F50-F59)Typical disorders in this group include eating disorders, nonorganic sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction (without organic cause), postpartum mental and behavioral disorders. Personality and behavioral disorders (F60-F69)These disorders are usually of longer duration. They may be a consequence of social experiences early in the individual’s development, but may also be acquired later in life. Significant deviations in perception, thinking and feeling compared to the majority of the population can be observed. Intelligence disorder (F70-F79)The disorders in this group are based on a disturbance in mental development. Mental abilities such as cognition, language, as well as motor and social skills are delayed or incompletely developed. Developmental disorders (F80-F89)The disorders begin in infancy or childhood. They are accompanied by a restriction of development or delay in functions associated with the biological maturation of the central nervous system (CNS). The course is steady. Language, coordination of movement, and school skills are often affected. Minor deficits often remain in adulthood.Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset in childhood and adolescence (F90-F98)These include, for example, hyperkinetic disorders, social behavior disorders, childhood emotional disorders, tic disorders, and other behavioral and emotional disorders with onset in childhood and adolescence. Unspecified mental disorders (F99-F99)Psychotic disorders without further specification are listed here.

Common mental and behavioral disorders

The main risk factors for mental and behavioral disorders

Behavioral causes

  • Stimulant use
  • Drug use
  • Psycho-social situation
    • Current conflicts
    • Fear
    • Unemployment
    • Stressful family climate
    • Chronic stress
    • Education and family environment
    • Lack of self-esteem
    • Bullying
    • Poor social adaptation
    • Sexual abuse
    • Social isolation
    • Traumatic sexual experiences
    • Traumatic experiences
  • Obesity

Causes related to disease

Please note that the enumeration is only an excerpt of the possible risk factors. Further causes can be found under the respective disease.

The main diagnostic measures for mental and behavioral disorders

  • Neuropsychological diagnostics
  • Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) – if suspected from Asperger syndrome or other autism spectrum disorders.
  • Computed tomography of the skull (cranial CT, cranial CT or cCT).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the skull (cranial MRI, cranial MRI or cMRI).

Which doctor will help you?

For mental and behavioral disorders, a neurologist or psychiatrist should be consulted depending on the disorder.