Muscle twitching before falling asleep | Muscle Twitching

Muscle twitching before falling asleep

Muscle twitching before falling asleep is very common. About 70 percent of the population is affected. Most often, the muscle twitching occurs in the phase directly before falling asleep.

Exactly how this happens is ultimately not completely understood. The theory, however, is that the brain is in the process of shutting down into sleep mode. However, this sometimes happens in a somewhat disordered way for uncertain reasons. The balance between excitatory and inhibitory impulses is disturbed, so that short-term electrical impulses are transmitted to individual muscles, which then contract (contract). However, this phenomenon is harmless and also occurs occasionally in healthy people.

Can muscle twitching also be a sign of pregnancy?

Muscle twitching alone is not a classic sign of pregnancy. However, a magnesium deficiency can occur during pregnancy due to the increased need for magnesium. This promotes muscle twitching.

If the typical signs of pregnancy such as the absence of periods, morning sickness, swollen breasts and a changed sense of smell or taste occur, pregnancy is quite likely. More certainty can then be obtained through a pregnancy test.