Obligation to register | Food poisoning

Obligation to register

Overall, all cases of poisoning must be reported to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. In addition, according to the Infection Protection Act, bacterially caused food poisoning in persons working in the food sector must be reported. Even in the case of epidemic occurrence, i.e. if at least 2 people are ill, the treating physician must report to the public health department.

The obligation to report botulism includes suspicion, illness and death in all patients. In order to prevent the triggering of food poisoning, attention should be paid to food hygiene (expiration dates, sufficient heating, cooling). In addition, food should be freshly prepared and consumed immediately afterwards without long waiting periods.

The contents of cambered preserves (convex lid) should not be eaten, as they may contain botulism toxin. Food poisoning occurs as a result of the absorption of certain toxins with food and can have various causes (bacteria, fungi, plants, metals, marine animals). In addition to gastrointestinal complaints (swelling in the gastrointestinal tract) such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain, the poisoning picture includes symptoms characteristic of the respective toxin.Food poisoning is diagnosed on the basis of the patient’s medical history and clinical picture; the therapy aims primarily to compensate for the loss of water and electrolytes associated with the poisoning. In addition, in some cases an antidote (antidote) can be given or further measures can be taken depending on the toxin.