Prognosis | Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome


The prognosis for the healing or improvement of the cervical spine syndrome is strongly dependent on the cause. If, for example, muscle tension, poor posture or vertebral blockages are responsible for the problems, there is a high probability of achieving relief or complete healing with targeted therapy. Due to the variety of symptoms and causes, however, it is not possible to make a general statement about the prognosis.

This depends on the individual circumstances of the patient. Muscular problems/dysbalances can take 2-3 months and should then be incorporated into everyday life. Such tensions are often the result of poor posture in everyday life or at work.


As for most complaints, preventive measures can be taken for the cervical spine syndrome. Of course, there is never a hundred percent protection and especially with such a diverse clinical picture, not all risk factors can always be excluded. Nevertheless there are a few possibilities to prevent.

Regular exercise, healthy nutrition and stress avoidance or reduction are – as so often – the main aspects. One-sided strain and overstraining of the cervical spine should be avoided.It can help if you take short breaks while working, then move your head gently back and forth and rotate your shoulders backwards. Regular stretching exercises and heat applications (e.g. red light lamp or cherry stone pillow) can also relax the muscles.

If you have suffered a whiplash injury, for example after a car or sports accident, follow-up care is extremely important. By doing so, you reduce the probability of developing late effects. Those who regularly do sports and train their muscles in a targeted and correct manner avoid, among other things, bad posture, instability and the resulting complaints. Articles that might be of interest to you:

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