Prophylaxis | Funnel Breast


A funnel chest cannot be prevented because it is congenital and can develop over the years.


After such a funnel chest surgery, the affected person should first take it easy. But also everyday things have to be limited in the first period after the operation. Especially when sleeping (no belly sleep in the first 7 weeks) and also when lifting is caution is required. After the operation, the patient should undergo physiotherapeutic treatment to strengthen the muscles and adapt to their new conditions.

Does a funnel chest influence life expectancy?

The funnel-breast as such is a frequent malformation and occurs in addition familial frequent. However, in most cases it is not very pronounced and does not restrict the health of those affected, but rather represents a cosmetic problem. Nevertheless, at the first signs of funnel chest, breathing exercises and posture training should be carried out, since poor posture can worsen the funnel chest during growth.

A slightly pronounced funnel chest does not affect life expectancy. However, if it is accompanied by another disease, such as Marfan syndrome, life expectancy is reduced. However, this is not due to the funnel chest itself, but to the changes in the heart and vessels that are common in Marfan’s syndrome.