Right-left side abdominal pain | Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy

Right-left side abdominal pain

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur on one side of the right or left side or on both sides. In addition to the most common cause of uterine ligament stretching, other causes can also be hidden behind the localized pain. For example, right-sided abdominal pain can also indicate appendicitis.

Left-sided lower abdominal pain may be due to diverticulitis, i.e. inflammation of small intestinal wall protuberances. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease can also cause such abdominal pain. However, the abdominal viscera may also hurt when the unborn child starts moving.

Another possibility for unilateral abdominal pain is an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fertilised egg mistakenly nests in the ovary and not in the uterus. This causes severe pain. Cysts in the ovaries can also cause similar symptoms.

Pulling pain

Pulling pain in the abdomen during pregnancy is typical for ligament stretching in the uterus. The growing uterus strains the ligamentous apparatus, which causes the characteristic pulling in the abdomen. Usually it improves by itself after some time and its intensity does not become much stronger.

However, since other causes can also cause pulling abdominal pain, a gynecologist should be consulted in case of doubt. Furthermore, a muscle weakness in the area of the pelvic floor can also be the cause of pulling pain. In the worst case this can lead to a lowering of the pelvic floor.

Stinging pain

Stinging abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur from time to time without a serious cause being found for these complaints.Over time, the growing baby takes up more and more space in the mother’s abdomen, squeezing the surrounding organs and tissues. This can cause pulling or stabbing pain, which disappears quickly by itself. Persistent, strong and stabbing pain should definitely be clarified by a doctor, as a more serious cause could be responsible. In the case of stabbing pain in the right abdomen, for example, appendicitis may be considered.