Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy


Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy is something that almost every woman knows. Especially in advanced pregnancy they can be triggered by the growing baby. However, other causes can also be hidden behind the pain, which is why some women are quickly worried. The pain can also be felt more as a burning sensation. If the symptoms persist, it is therefore advisable to consult a gynaecologist as soon as possible to rule out a more serious illness.


Mostly, abdominal pain during pregnancy is a harmless side effect of pregnancy. The uterus is held in position by several ligaments. When the unborn child grows up, the uterus is stretched and this stretching is also transferred to the retaining ligaments.

This can sometimes be very painful, but it is not unusual or dangerous. The pain should be relieved by a comfortable, relaxed body position. Of course, other causes can also be behind the abdominal pain.

At the very beginning of the pregnancy, when the woman does not yet know anything about it, the implantation of the egg can cause abdominal pain. In advanced and late pregnancy, the pain may also be caused by kicks from the growing baby. A urinary tract infection or other infectious diseases can also cause such pain.

More serious causes of the pain could be, for example, an ectopic pregnancy, a placental abruption or premature labor. If there is any uncertainty and if the symptoms do not improve by themselves, a visit to a doctor is urgently recommended in order to clarify the serious causes of the abdominal pain. Abdominal pain can occur during pregnancy without any dangerous cause.

In most cases of pregnancy it is a matter of overstretching the uterine ligaments, which have to adapt to the increasing strain of the growing child. By sitting or lying down calmly, the symptoms usually improve by themselves in time. However, if the pain persists without any tendency to improve or if there are additional symptoms such as fever, bleeding, nausea and vomiting, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

In this case, serious causes for the abdominal pain must be excluded. In case of doubt, it is better to consult a doctor early on, even if there is no serious cause for the pain after all. Then the pregnant woman is calmed and the pregnancy is not unnecessarily endangered.