Detox diet

What is a detox diet? We encounter the word detox everywhere in magazines, on television and on the Internet. The name Detox comes from the English word “detoxication”, which means detoxification. Detoxification is the basic idea of the detox diet. It is based on the assumption that too much stress, work, stimulants and an unhealthy … Detox diet

Potato diet

Introduction The potato diet is a carbohydrate-rich mono-diet, i.e. a form of nutrition that consists almost exclusively of one particular food, the potato. There are different ways of organizing the potato diet, all variants have in common the main consumption of potatoes. Potatoes are often eaten with eggs or quark. There are also dietary variations … Potato diet

Food supplements as shakes | Dietary supplements for weight loss

Food supplements as shakes Very popular and a supposedly easy way to lose weight is to take shakes. Various manufacturers offer blends that have a high protein and low carbohydrate content and a reduced calorie content. This is intended to replace meals and achieve weight loss without hunger. Also here one should pay attention to … Food supplements as shakes | Dietary supplements for weight loss

What risks do dietary supplements pose for losing weight? | Dietary supplements for weight loss

What risks do dietary supplements pose for losing weight? An undesirable effect after a diet is the so-called yo-yo effect, i.e. an increase in some cases even beyond the initial weight. Those who do not permanently change their lifestyle and reduce their calorie intake will sooner or later become victims of this phenomenon. Food supplements … What risks do dietary supplements pose for losing weight? | Dietary supplements for weight loss