Running Disciplines of Athletics

In addition to throwing and jumping disciplines in athletics exist the so-called running disciplines. In athletics, 13 running disciplines are distinguished. These are divided into three different blocks: Sprint, middle distance running and long distance running. These are explained in more detail in the following article.


Sprint is the overcoming of a distance in the shortest possible time, that is, under the greatest speed to be achieved. For women and men alike, there are 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x100m relay, 4x400m relay and 400m hurdles. In addition, there are 110m hurdles for men and 100m hurdles for women.

A distinction is also made between short and long sprints (distances over 200m), with short-distance running having a tradition as the oldest Olympic discipline. The body uses energy-rich phosphate reserves during sprinting. The risk of injury in sprinting is mainly in the start phase and at the end of the run.

The most common injuries affect the muscles of the back of the thigh (especially the biceps femoris muscle), as well as muscle injuries to the front (such as the rectis femoris muscle). Likewise, sprinters not infrequently suffer from ruptures of the Achilles tendons. As a possible late consequence, an accumulation of hallux rigidus is observed in sprinters – the cause is suspected to be the stress caused by the starting position.

Hurdle sprinters develop an additional risk of injury to the sacroiliac joints, lower lumbar spine and abdominal muscles. Additionally, shortened adductors are a risk factor.

Middle Distance Running

Middle distance is defined as anything between 800m and 1609m (equivalent to an English mile). Olympic disciplines include the 800m and 1500m races, and the International Association of Athletics Federations also records 2000m, 4x800m relay and 4x1500m relay (for men). Although middle-distance races are also run by both sexes today, women have only been allowed in this discipline at international competitions since the 1960s; after a first women’s 800m race at the 1928 Olympics, it was initially thought to be too physically demanding for women, as the women participating appeared overly exhausted.

Middle-distance running is a low-injury athletics discipline. The risk of acute injuries is low; overloading of the tendons in the legs, especially the Achilles tendon, is more likely. In addition, fractures can occur due to overload and stress. Here, the metatarsus and tibia are particularly at risk, furthermore also the neck of the femur.

Long Distance Running

The term long-distance running includes all distances above the English mile. Among the most important disciplines are the 5000m and the 10000m run, the 3000m steeplechase and the marathon. Other track and road races, cross country or the hour run are also popular long distance disciplines. The longest athletic running discipline at the Olympics is the marathon with a distance of 42.195 km.

The risks of injury in long-distance running are basically the same as those in middle-distance running, but meniscus damage also occurs as a typical problem in long-distance runners. Less common is acute meniscus damage than chronic inflammation resulting from wear and tear and overuse.

The ilio-tibial band syndrome, known as runner’s knee, is a particular problem for long-distance runners with bow legs, as the tendon cord located between the iliac crest and the tibia chafes easily and can cause severe pain. Another classic problem area for long-distance runners is the cruciate ligament.