Skin Fungus: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The skin fungus or dermatomycosis is one of the most common skin diseases in all countries, yet this disease is actually easy to avoid. Who nevertheless infects, should immediately go to the doctor to get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

What is a skin fungus?

In dermatology, a skin fungus is also referred to as dermatomycosis or tinea. This is an infection that results in a disease of the skin. The disease is manifested by itching, redness and scaling of the affected skin areas. It is caused by certain fungi, which are also called dermatophytes in technical jargon. Usually, three different types of fungi trigger this disease: trichophytes, microspores or epidermophytes. Trichophytes are the pathogens which are considered to be the cause of a skin fungal disease in about 70 percent of cases in Central Europe. The superficial skin fungus is also called tinea superficialis and can occur on all possible parts of the body. In the case of the so-called tinea profunda, the deeper skin layers of hairy body parts, predominantly of the head and beard area, are usually affected.


For a skin fungus to break out, certain areas of the skin must come into contact with a pathogen. The pathogen enters the body, spreads around the area of entry, and causes inflammation of the skin. Skin fungus is particularly common on feet. Especially public buildings such as swimming pools or outdoor swimming pools, where people walk barefoot and where there is a warm and humid climate that favors fungi, are often places where you can easily get infected with skin fungus (or athlete’s foot). In addition to floors, however, contaminated objects can also be a cause of skin fungus infection. Animals can also be carriers of fungal diseases. The pathogens are transferred to humans when animals are stroked or when cages or brushes are cleaned. The danger for humans is that the fungi can often survive for a long time in the horn material of the animals without the animals showing symptoms of the pathogens. People with a weakened immune system are particularly susceptible to fungal skin infections.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

As a rule, skin fungus is associated with very unpleasant symptoms that have a very negative impact on the patient’s quality of life and also significantly reduce it. Patients suffer primarily from redness that occurs directly on the skin. These rednesses spread over the entire body and thus also reduce the aesthetics of the affected person. As a result, many patients also suffer from significantly lowered self-esteem and inferiority complexes, and psychological discomfort may result. The redness is also often associated with itching, which is only exacerbated by scratching. Furthermore, abscesses can form. If the affected person scratches the redness, scars can also occur as a result. The skin fungus can also be transmitted to other people if adequate hygiene is not observed. Patients often lose hair in the affected areas, making these areas appear bald and unsightly. However, the life expectancy of the affected person is not negatively affected by the skin fungus. Special complications usually do not occur with this disease if it is treated in time. It can thereby also be relatively well limited by means of self-help.

Diagnosis and course

A superficial skin fungus is manifested by reddened and scaling skin areas that are very itchy. Typically, hair also breaks off in infected skin areas. In the case of an infection of the deeper skin layers, the pathogens usually spread along the hair root. This leads to inflammation with abscesses and accumulations of pus, which form crusts in the further course. The inflamed hairs can be easily pulled out and not infrequently lead to bald patches. Due to the many easily noticeable symptoms, a diagnosis is often quick to make. Usually, a skin fungus is diagnosed by examination with a microscope or by using the Wood light method, in which the affected skin areas are irradiated with ultraviolet light and the color of the skin areas indicates a disease.


Skin fungus causes very unpleasant discomfort and symptoms on the patient’s skin.In most cases, the skin is reddened and itching develops. This is usually further intensified when the patient scratches the skin. In the further course it comes to the formation of abscesses. The skin fungus also has a negative effect on the patient’s self-esteem and not infrequently leads to inferiority complexes. Those affected are often ashamed of the symptoms and are socially ostracized. In children, the skin fungus can also lead to exclusion or bullying. Furthermore, psychological complaints and not infrequently depression can also develop as a result of the skin fungus. The affected areas can also be associated with pain, which sometimes disadvantages sleep. The skin fungus usually does not disappear if it is not explicitly treated. The treatment itself does not lead to further complications or discomfort. With the help of medication, the discomfort can be relatively well alleviated. In some cases, the skin fungus causes hair loss. This can also be stopped with the help of medication.

When should one go to the doctor?

Changes in the skin are often considered unusual and should be observed. If redness or swelling occurs, a visit to the doctor is necessary as soon as they persist for several days. Any spreading of the changes should also be examined by a doctor. In case of itching or blistering of the skin, a doctor should be consulted, unless it is caused by a light insect bite. A dry or slightly inflamed skin quality provides reason to seek medical attention. If scaling or the formation of a horny layer occurs in some areas of the body, a visit to the doctor is recommended. As soon as one’s own targeted body care does not bring any improvement, there is a disease of the skin that should be investigated. The affected person can try to achieve relief from the symptoms with particularly moisturizing cosmetics. If this is not achieved within a few weeks or if the hardening of the skin increases, a visit to the doctor is advisable. In particular, thickened and discolored skin layers should be examined. If there are cracks in the skin or open wounds, sterile wound care must be provided. Pathogens can enter the organism through the skin sites, causing further illnesses. Pain of the skin, a feeling of numbness or sensory disturbances must also be examined and treated by a doctor.

Treatment and therapy

Without treatment, a fungal skin disease does not disappear. Instead, it continues to spread and usually leads to infection of other people. It must therefore be treated medically in all cases. The treatment of a skin fungal disease depends on the type and spread of the skin fungus. If the disease is superficial and has been detected comparatively early, treatment with an appropriate medication, a so-called antimycotic, which is available in the form of a cream or a liquid solution at the pharmacy, is usually sufficient. The symptoms of fungal skin disease are thus often alleviated after hours and the disease is completely cured after only a few days. Treatment of fungal skin infections of the deeper skin layers, on the other hand, is much more protracted. This requires both the administration of a drug that is applied locally to the affected areas and another drug that must be taken orally over a longer period of time. This medication then ensures that the pathogens are eliminated from the inside. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can last up to several months. As a rule, however, a cure is possible in all cases; only an infection of the deeper layers of the skin can result in permanent hair loss in the affected areas. In addition, to ensure a successful cure, it is also possible to eliminate any causes of the disease and take preventive measures in the future.

Outlook and prognosis

Skin fungus can be very persistent and, if left untreated, will not disappear for several months in an otherwise healthy person with an intact immune system. However, it often occurs in immunocompromised patients. Since the skin is often poorly supplied with blood anyway and the immune system therefore has difficulty attacking it, the skin fungus can persist for a very long time in these cases and also continue to spread.At worst, it weakens the immune system to such an extent that it can penetrate further into the body and infect internal structures and organs. Treatment with fungicides for oral intake and external application helps to cure skin fungus faster and without such consequential damage. However, due to the poor blood supply to the skin, weeks or even months must be expected even with such treatment. In otherwise healthy patients, the first results can be observed more quickly than in immunocompromised people. If there are no other health problems apart from the skin fungus, even an over-the-counter fundicide as an ointment from the pharmacy may be sufficient, and the skin fungus can be treated from home if it has spread only slightly. If the fungicide starts to work, the affected skin area will first become dry and scaly, which deprives the fungus of its basis of life. Subsequently, the visible redness will subside and, over time, the skin will look exactly as it did before the fungal outbreak.


There are several ways to prevent a fungal skin infection. Walking barefoot in public buildings should be avoided. Wearing bathing slippers or flip-flops in swimming pools, saunas, hotel rooms and other places is advisable. In addition, there are sprays and creams on the market that can be applied prophylactically to the feet after swimming. Especially after swimming or showering, care should be taken to dry all parts of the body well, including the areas between the toes. Shoes and socks can also be additionally disinfected. When cleaning items that have been in contact with animals, it is recommended to use a fungicidal disinfectant spray.


A healed skin fungus does not lead to immunity against re-infection. Former patients have a high degree of personal responsibility to prevent recurrence. Preventive measures promise a remedy. For example, suitable footwear should be worn in high-traffic and high-risk areas such as swimming pools and hotel rooms. The skin should be thoroughly dried on toes, in the genital area and under the armpits. However, there is no systematic aftercare including scheduled doctor’s appointments after successful treatment. As is known, there are no longer any symptoms. A fungal infection is not infrequently persistent. Patients with chronic immune deficiency in particular suffer for months or even years. Depending on the severity, certain medications are used. In mild cases, external treatment is carried out using ointments, sprays or creams. If this therapy does not lead to the desired success, the treating physician usually prescribes tablets. In order to replenish the therapeutic resources, the doctor and the patient arrange mandatory appointments. The physician examines the course of the disease and, if necessary, takes swabs. With the last ones, he creates a fungal culture and can thus adjust the therapy. In the case of persistent forms of the disease, the physician’s support in everyday life plays an important role. Advice on hygiene, for example, rounds out the range of consultations.

What you can do yourself

If skin fungus is suspected, the family doctor or a dermatologist should be consulted. Sometimes medical treatment can be supported by various home remedies and self-help measures. First of all, always dry the skin carefully after bathing or washing. Breathable clothing made of cotton, linen or microfiber reduces perspiration and thus the development of skin fungus. Since the disease is contagious, towels, clothing and bed linen should be washed at over 60 degrees. In addition, home remedies such as baby powder or baking soda can be used. Both prevent fungus and relieve the unpleasant itching on the skin. Proven alternatives include coconut oil, garlic, lavender oil or natural yogurt, which are applied directly to the affected area. Fast relief is also provided by aloe vera. The remedy relieves itching and at the same time nourishes the skin. External and internal application is possible. In case of severe fungal infestation, alcohol-based disinfectants can be applied. Medical alcohol in the form of disinfectant solutions can also prevent further spread of the infection. To avoid complications such as skin injuries and dehydration, such aggressive agents should only be used after consultation.