Summary | Knee twisted – What helps?


As you can see, due to the complex structure of the knee joint, it is not always easy to identify injuries correctly at first glance. If you have an unpleasant feeling or persistent pain, you should always consult a specialist for clarification.In order to alleviate existing complaints, it is useful to support the knee in its healing process with specific exercises. A trained specialist can help you to find the right exercises for you and to demonstrate the correct execution.

If an injury to the knee joint is not or insufficiently treated, it can lead to consequential damage, which can affect the entire body due to the resulting poor posture and can severely restrict the person affected in his or her daily life. If the knee is twisted, it can lead to strain or more serious injuries. Twisting can easily occur when the feet are stable but the upper body is twisted too much or by external influences during sports.

Contact sports such as soccer, basketball and rugby are particularly risky. Knee injuries are often long lasting and make it difficult for the affected person to move around in everyday life. Most people notice already when twisting the knee whether it is a more serious injury or just a strain.

More precise information can only be obtained from a doctor. Depending on the type and localization of the pain, one can draw initial conclusions about the extent of the injury.