Antirheumatic Drugs: Effects, Uses & Risks

Antirheumatic drugs are used to relieve pain in rheumatic diseases. Thus, these drugs and medicines are mainly used to reduce inflammation and for joint diseases. What are antirheumatic drugs? Antirheumatic drugs are painkillers that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in rheumatic diseases. In rheumatic diseases, joints and tissues are attacked. Antirheumatic drugs are painkillers that … Antirheumatic Drugs: Effects, Uses & Risks

Home Remedies for Mood Swings

Stress, lack of sleep or gloomy and dark weather: all these factors can have a negative impact on our mood and lead to mood swings. However, short-term dejection is not a cause for concern. It will pass and can be effectively banished with simple home remedies. Light and heat, as well as herbs and exercise, … Home Remedies for Mood Swings

Bioresonance Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Bioresonance therapy is a non-scientifically recognized method of treating certain medical conditions. It uses electromagnetic oscillations and the fact that each body emits its own electrical signals. Bioresonance therapy was developed in the 1970s by German physician and Scientology member Frank Morell and his son-in-law Erich Raschke under the name MORA Therapy. What is bioresonance … Bioresonance Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Bach Flowers List, Effects, Side Effects

Postulated principle of action Harmonization of negative emotional or mood states. Production Flowers are extracted aqueous according to special procedures, and the mother tinctures obtained are then highly diluted with the addition of ethanol. The essences have an ethanol content of 27%. The 38 flower essences The flowers target a specific emotional or mental state … Bach Flowers List, Effects, Side Effects

Aim of the stream flowering Rock Water | The Bach Flower Rock Water

Aim of the stream flowering Rock Water The Bach Flower Rock Water should help to realize that nobody is perfect, that the personality develops further and that some things that are absolutely right today can look completely different later. One develops inner freedom, inner peace and joy of life and learns to put more value … Aim of the stream flowering Rock Water | The Bach Flower Rock Water