Therapy | Barrel thorax


Also with regard to therapy, it should be remembered that a grasping thorax is not a disease in itself but merely a symptom. If emphysema is the cause, the changes in the lungs are irreversible, i.e. irreversible. However, the progression of the disease can be slowed down by giving up smoking and bronchodilator medication.

Physiotherapy and breathing exercises can also help to maintain the quality of life. However, this does not result in a regression of the fascia thorax. In very advanced stages, surgical therapy may be indicated.

Here, a surgical reduction of the lung volume or a lung transplantation may be considered. If the proximal thorax is due to wear and tear of the thoracic spine, conservative therapy for back pain is the first priority. This includes above all pain medication and physiotherapy. An advantage of surgical procedures for non-specific signs of wear and tear of the spine is not given in the long term, although such procedures also entail serious risks

Prognosis: What are the long-term consequences?

Since a barrel thorax only develops when there has been a lack of oxygen in the tissue for many years – usually as a result of COPD – it describes a late stage. In principle, the prognosis of a disease is always better the earlier it is detected. Therefore, complete freedom from symptoms cannot be achieved with a barrel thorax, especially since the barrel thorax describes a non-regressing condition.

However, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory drugs can improve the breathing difficulties. A very important measure that can halt the progression of the disease is to refrain from smoking completely.