Therapy concept – What to do in case of elbow arthrosis? | Exercises for elbow arthrosis

Therapy concept – What to do in case of elbow arthrosis?

In case of an existing elbow arthrosis a therapy should always be symptomatic, since the disease itself is not curable. For this purpose, various treatment measures are available: Gentle: The elbow joint should not be exposed to too much stress. To avoid stiffening and movement restrictions, it is nevertheless important to maintain mobility through targeted training.Pain and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the patient’s suffering and alleviate the inflammatory processes.

Cold or heat applications: Depending on the condition of the elbow, cold or heat applications can relieve the patient’s pain. Physiotherapy: Measures from physiotherapy such as manual therapy, physiotherapy with specific exercises to build up muscles and improve mobility and stability, cryotherapy, etc. are an essential part of the therapy plan.

How exactly the treatment will turn out for the individual patient depends on age, previous illnesses and stage of illness. The decision is always made by an experienced physician after a confirmed diagnosis.

  • Gentle: The elbow joint should not be subjected to excessive strain. To avoid stiffening and movement restrictions, it is nevertheless important to maintain mobility through targeted training.
  • Pain and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the patient’s suffering and alleviate the inflammatory processes.
  • Cooling or heating applications: Depending on the condition of the elbow, cold or heat applications can relieve the patient’s pain.
  • Physiotherapy: Measures from physiotherapy such as manual therapy, physiotherapy with specific exercises to build up muscles and improve mobility and stability, cryotherapy, etc. are an essential part of the therapy plan.

How does elbow arthrosis occur?

Compared to arthrosis of other joints, arthrosis of the elbow occurs less frequently, since it is usually promoted by accidents that have caused damage to the elbow joint. It is therefore not a sign of wear and tear due to severe overstrain or advanced age of the person affected. Due to the previous trauma caused by elbow arthrosis, patients often feel severe pain and restricted mobility.

For most patients, the course of the elbow arthrosis can be influenced very positively by physiotherapeutic measures – there the mobility and stability of the joint should be maintained. This not only helps to reduce the pain, but also slows down the progress of the arthrosis, so that an operation can often be avoided. If the patients also regularly perform the exercises they have learned at home, it can be ensured that the elbow joint is permanently and healthily exercised without too much strain on the joint.