Therapy | Inflammation in the abdomen


Depending on which type of inflammation of the abdomen is predominant, a special therapy must be initiated. For example, in the case of vaginal inflammation, it should first be determined which pathogen is responsible for the inflammation and what could be the cause of an inadequate protective barrier of the vaginal mucosa. In the next step, a specific therapy can then be started, for example in the form of antibiotics (for bacteria) or fungal drugs (antimycotics).

This can be done with creams or vaginal suppositories as well as with injections and tablets. It is important that in the case of sexually transmitted diseases, the partner must always be treated as well! In the case of inflammation of the uterus, bed rest should first be observed, and the inflammatory pathogens should be combated by means of adequate antibiotic therapy.

Painkillers can also be used for very severe pain. If pus accumulates in the uterus, it may have to be drained surgically and the uterus rinsed out with disinfectant solution. If the cause of the inflammation lies in foreign bodies introduced (e.g. the coil), these should be removed.

After birth, too, inflammation of the uterus can either be caused by placental remains in the uterus, which must then be surgically removed, or by uterus contraction-promoting agents (e.g. oxytocin). In the case of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, an attempt is usually first made to contain the inflammatory process with antibiotics. If there is no improvement in the patient’s symptoms and condition, or if pus has formed as a result of the inflammation, surgery may be necessary in some cases.

There are some significant complications caused by such an inflammation, such as Therefore, an early and intensive therapy should be performed in case of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

  • Adhesions in the abdomen
  • Infertility
  • Pus accumulation in the abdominal cavity with an adhesion of the ovary and fallopian tube
  • An inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) with spread of the inflammation to the blood and the whole body (sepsis).

In case of acute inflammation, local measures for cooling may be useful. Cooling can be induced either with the help of damp cold or ice.

It is important that cooling is only ever carried out for a short period of time in order to avoid damage to the skin or circulatory reactions. If the inflammation is already in the healing phase, heat can also be beneficial. To apply heat, simply place a hot-water bottle, a cherry stone cushion or similar on the abdomen.

In the case of ovarian inflammation, you can work with peat baths or hay baths. To do this, constantly increase the water temperature until sweating breaks out. Afterwards, you should make sure that you are sufficiently rested, as these baths are a strain on the circulation.During acute cystitis, a high drinking quantity is considered the best household remedy.

So-called bladder and kidney teas can also be useful, as they contain ingredients such as bearberry leaves, which are believed to have an antibacterial effect. For the prevention of further bladder inflammations for example with Vitamin C the urine can be acidified. Also plants like the nasturtium or the horseradish root show a good preventive effect. Generally also in the complaint-free phase to a sufficient drinking quantity should be paid attention. This topic might also be of interest to you: Household remedy against cystitis