Training | Strength training

Training In order to achieve the above four manifestations of strength through strength training, it is necessary to use specific training methods for specific goals. First of all, it should be said that the current fitness level should be taken into account when selecting the training methods. It makes no sense for a beginner in … Training | Strength training

Strength training

Definition Strength Training Strength training is about the targeted muscle build-up and the improvement of maximum strength, speed and endurance. In order to achieve maximum training success, strength training must be adapted to the respective goals. This involves differences in the load form, load duration, load range and load intensity. Strength training can also be … Strength training

Neck Pressing

Neck pressing is mainly used in various throwing and pushing disciplines in athletics and bodybuilding. However, neck pressing does not train the trapezoidal muscle that makes up the “bull’s neck” in weight training. By stretching the arms over the head, the shoulder muscles (M. deltoideos) and the arm extensor/triceps (M. triceps brachii) work. If you … Neck Pressing


Introduction The most common form of back pain is in the area of the lumbar spine. Lack of exercise, incorrect posture, sedentary work and incorrect loads in sports lead to complaints in the lumbar spine area. Since these muscles are hardly used in everyday movements, they are underdeveloped in most cases. One-sided strains in sports … Hyperextension

Six Pack

The so-called six-pack is understood to be the strong development of the abdominal muscles, especially the straight abdominal muscle (M. rectus abdominis). Due to a very low percentage of body fat, the individual muscle sections of the straight abdominal muscle, which are divided horizontally by intermediate tendons (Intersectiones tendineae) and vertically by the linea alba, … Six Pack

Anatomy | Six Pack

Anatomy The six-pack consists of the following abdominal wall muscles: the outer oblique abdominal muscle (M. obliquus externus abdominis), the inner oblique abdominal muscle (M. obliquus internus abdominis), the transverse abdominal muscle (M. transversus abdominis) and the straight abdominal muscle (M. rectus abdominis). Through the interaction of several or a respective isolated contraction of the … Anatomy | Six Pack