Strength training without equipment | Strength training

Strength training without equipment

In the course of the last few years, a variety of programs and philosophies have emerged in the field of fitness and strength training, which also train without additional weights, i.e. purely with your own body weight. Calisthenics and Freeletics are two keywords that should be mentioned in this context. Both are forms of strength training that do not require additional weight in their exercises.

While the exercises in calisthenics often have an acrobatic character, probably most comparable to artistic gymnastics. Often the exercises here are also performed on horizontal bars or other equipment. Freeletics, on the other hand, does not need any additional equipment and can be performed anywhere.

The incentive here is to create a given number of repetitions in the fastest possible time or in a given time a maximum number of repetitions. However, study results show that the decisive factor for an increase in muscle mass is progression, i.e. an increase in the total training volume. This can be achieved both by increasing the number of repetitions of an exercise and by increasing the weight moved in the process.

Strength training for women

Strength training during pregnancy is possible in principle, but not recommended. The more advanced the pregnancy is, the less dangerous the training is for the unborn child. The earlier in the pregnancy, the greater the damage that can be caused to the fetus by violent influences.

Strong blows and blows as well as other violent impacts on the abdomen of the expectant mother should be avoided as far as possible. Especially during the first month of pregnancy the fetus goes through the so-called neurolation, i.e. the formation of the human nervous system and the beginning of the development of all important internal organs. It is therefore recommended to practice sports with moderate stress that do not increase the heart rate to the maximum.

Examples are light weight training, gymnastics or a workout on a crosstrainer. It is also important to ensure that the unborn child is supplied with a sufficient amount of nutrients such as folic acid, iodine, iron and vitamins. Folic acid is an important factor for the regular development of the nervous system.

If there is a deficiency here, neurological deficits of the later child can occur which are irreversible. Iodine deficiency, on the other hand, can lead to maldevelopment of organs or skeleton and growth retardation. Strength training for seniors is subject to other laws.

Targeted strength training at an advanced age should always be viewed from a functional point of view. The execution of the movement should always be coordinated with the everyday movement. The top priority is to fulfill health aspects.

The targeted development of the back and leg muscles is in the foreground. You can find more information under strength training for seniors and functional strength training.