Difference to tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency | Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency

Difference to tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency Tertiary adrenal insufficiency is often described in the literature as a cortisol deficiency that occurs after a dose reduction or sudden cessation of drug-administered cortisol. This sounds a little confusing at first, but can be explained quickly. The cortisol intake tells the body that sufficient cortisol is available. The … Difference to tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency | Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency

Diagnosis | Adrenal Inflammation

Diagnosis The typical symptoms of adrenal insufficiency can usually be recognized by any doctor by means of a gaze diagnosis. However, since the insufficiency can be triggered by various causes, and since an inflammation is not always responsible for the symptoms, comprehensive diagnostics are usually performed. By injecting a certain substance that stimulates the adrenal … Diagnosis | Adrenal Inflammation

Adrenal Inflammation

In healthy people, the adrenal gland is paired and assumes some important functions. It can be divided into an adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla. The adrenal medulla is responsible for the production of adrenalin and noradrenalin. The adrenal cortex produces a number of important messenger substances for the body. There are various diseases of … Adrenal Inflammation

Causes | Adrenal Inflammation

Causes An inflammation of the adrenal glands with the consequence of adrenal insufficiency is caused by an immune reaction in which antibodies are formed in a hitherto unexplained way, which attack the adrenal cortex and destroy it. Normally, antibodies are formed to eliminate harmful pathogens that can infect the body. The production of antibodies that … Causes | Adrenal Inflammation

Addison’s disease

Synonyms in the broadest sense Adrenocortical insufficiency Primary adrenocortical insufficiency Addison’s Disease Addison’s Syndrome Definition and introduction Addison’s disease is a functional disorder of the adrenal cortex. It is also known as primary adrenal cortex insufficiency and is a rare disease. However, if Addison’s disease remains untreated, it is fatal and thus has clear clinical … Addison’s disease

Symptoms | Addison’s disease

Symptoms Since the function of the adrenal glands is disturbed in Addison’s disease, the production of various hormones is impaired. The typical symptoms become noticeable when about 90% of the adrenal cortex is already destroyed. Cortisol, aldosterone and the sex hormones can no longer be produced in sufficient quantities. In contrast, the concentration of ACTH, … Symptoms | Addison’s disease

Diagnosis | Addison’s disease

Diagnosis In diagnosing Addison’s disease it is very important to distinguish this disease from secondary adrenal insufficiency. The difference is that in Addison’s disease the adrenal glands are damaged and therefore produce too few hormones, whereas in the secondary disorder the adrenal glands are intact but not sufficiently stimulated to produce hormones. If Addison’s disease … Diagnosis | Addison’s disease

Therapy | Addison’s disease

Therapy Since in Addison’s disease the adrenal glands are destroyed and cannot regenerate, this disease cannot be cured. However, it can be treated well with a lifelong therapy. It is necessary to supply the hormones, which are no longer produced sufficiently by the adrenal glands, from outside (substitution). As a rule, both glucocorticoids (cortisol) and … Therapy | Addison’s disease

Addison crisis | Addison’s disease

Addison crisis An Addison crisis occurs when the body needs more cortisol than it has available in the situation. This is usually the case in stressful situations. These include severe physical stress, but also febrile infections, gastrointestinal infections or operations. Similarly, severe psychological stress, trauma or the sudden discontinuation of cortisol therapy can lead to … Addison crisis | Addison’s disease

Tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency | Addison’s disease

Tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency Also the external supply of cortisol, such as in the form of tablets for the treatment of various diseases, can cause adrenal cortex insufficiency. Occasionally, this is also referred to as tertiary adrenal insufficiency. The pituitary gland shuts down its production of ACTH due to the increased amount of externally supplied … Tertiary adrenal cortex insufficiency | Addison’s disease

Control loop and release control | Addison’s disease

Control loop and release control The release of the adrenal cortex hormones takes place through a control loop with negative feedback. In the process, a substance called ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) is produced in the brain (more precisely the pituitary gland). This substance reaches the adrenal cortex via the bloodstream and causes the hormones to be … Control loop and release control | Addison’s disease

Causes of low blood pressure

Introduction Low blood pressure (hypotension) is defined as a blood pressure of less than 105/60 mmHg. The standard value of blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. Low blood pressure can manifest itself in various ways. A too low blood pressure (hypotension) can be accompanied by certain symptoms (e.g. dizziness with circulatory collapse (syncope), visual disturbances, headaches, … Causes of low blood pressure