Cat Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cat allergy is the most common form of widespread pet dander allergy. Its symptoms include watery eyes, sneezing and allergic skin reactions, but severe asthma attacks can also occur. The most important step in therapy is to provide immediate relief to the patient. This consists of avoiding any contact with allergens, for example the cats … Cat Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cross Allergy

Definition A cross-allergy is a form of allergic reaction. In an allergic reaction, certain antibodies (IgE antibodies) react to an allergen (for example pollen) and an allergic reaction occurs, for example in the form of a skin rash or irritation of the mucous membranes with itchy eyes and increased sneezing. In the case of a … Cross Allergy

Diagnosis | Cross Allergy

Diagnosis The anamnesis is very important for the diagnosis. It is very helpful if the patient already keeps a (nutritional) diary in which he/she writes down which food has been eaten or which substances have been in contact with which allergic reaction. Based on this, the treating physician can carry out the allergy test. There … Diagnosis | Cross Allergy

Duration | Cross Allergy

Duration As described above, there are cross-allergies that are seasonal and occur mainly in spring and autumn. With all other forms of cross-allergy, however, the following applies: once a sensitization has taken place, the allergy usually persists. Its degree of development can change, but it rarely disappears completely. Therapeutically, hyposensitization can be used to achieve … Duration | Cross Allergy


Symptoms Allergies can affect various organ systems: Skin: hives with wheals, itching, redness, swelling (edema), eczema. Nose: runny and stuffy nose, sneezing, itching. Airways: bronchoconstriction, shortness of breath, cough, asthma. Digestive tract: diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion. Eyes: Allergic conjunctivitis, redness, tearing. Cardiovascular: Drop in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat Mouth, mucous membrane: Burning, furry feeling, swelling. Throat: … Allergy

Environmental Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Environmental medicine deals with the influence of environmental factors on health. Within this specialty, the greatest focus is on anthropogenic environmental pollution. As an interdisciplinary medical specialty, environmental medicine addresses the environmentally related aspects of disease. What is environmental medicine? Environmental medicine deals with the influence of environmental factors on health. Within this field, the … Environmental Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Inflammation Metabolism: Function, Role & Diseases

If toxins enter the human organism through diet or other environmental influences and cannot be eliminated, inflammation occurs. The inflammatory process can be stopped by regenerating the intestinal mucosa, because if the intestinal mucosa no longer releases the inflammatory substances into the body, the inflammatory metabolism is stopped. What is inflammatory metabolism? Toxic substances are … Inflammation Metabolism: Function, Role & Diseases

Lung Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

The lungs are responsible for gas exchange and continuously supply the human body with oxygen. Lung pain thereby represents a symptom that can be triggered by different causes. The respective diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are therefore based on the suspected or confirmed underlying disease. Irrespective of the cause, certain breathing techniques can alleviate the symptoms. … Lung Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Allergic Conjunctivitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The term allergic conjunctivitis describes the inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane that overlies the eyeball. What is allergic conjunctivitis? The term allergic conjunctivitis describes the inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. Allergic conjunctivitis is common. It is estimated that circa 20 percent of the population is … Allergic Conjunctivitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

One speaks of an allergy when the immune system of the body reacts extraordinarily strongly to certain substances and environmental effects. This is also referred to as an overreaction. Typical allergies are hay fever, house dust allergy and sun allergy. The signs of most allergies are usually clearly visible. Thus, rhinitis, watery eyes, swelling, itching … Allergy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment