Scientifically proven | Anabolic steroids effects and side effects

Scientifically proven To date, it has not yet been possible to clarify whether the negative side effects are caused by anabolic steroids themselves or depend on the dosage. In the literature, daily dosage recommendations can be found for different disciplines. In weight lifting, the goal is to achieve good strength and rapid strength development. It … Scientifically proven | Anabolic steroids effects and side effects

Doping in sport

First of all, it should be mentioned that the prohibited substances listed below are not substances specifically developed for sport, but are a misuse of special drugs as doping. In addition to the performance-enhancing effect, health hazards and detectability are the criteria for inclusion in the doping list. In the case of peptide hormones and … Doping in sport

How can I ideally build muscles and lose fat at the same time? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

How can I ideally build muscles and lose fat at the same time? This is considered the high art in weight training or bodybuilding and is therefore difficult to combine. Much rather, most athletes today rely on a downstream approach of muscle building and fat loss, as it is easier to achieve. The combination of … How can I ideally build muscles and lose fat at the same time? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

Muscle building as a vegan | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

Muscle building as a vegan What was once considered impossible is no longer a problem. On the one hand, there are plenty of vegetable protein sources such as beans, lentils, soya and many more, and on the other hand there is a large market for vegan food supplements, which can be used to cover the … Muscle building as a vegan | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

Muscle building and alcohol | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

Muscle building and alcohol When building up muscles, you must pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, an athlete needs the right training program and sufficient recovery. Again and again one reads the statement that muscle building and alcohol are not compatible. Alcohol can have different effects on a training session. Alcohol … Muscle building and alcohol | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

How often do I have to train to get muscle building? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

How often do I have to train to get muscle building? In principle, it would be sufficient to train every muscle in the body once a week to achieve muscle growth. This is a procedure that is followed by some competition bodybuilders, for example. In this case, however, it also means that each muscle group, … How often do I have to train to get muscle building? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

What to think about supplements in muscle building – does it work? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

What to think about supplements in muscle building – does it work? Dietary supplements – so-called supplements – have established themselves irretrievably in the fitness market and rightly so. Even if the necessity of some preparations can be argued about, there are a lot of products whose effects cannot be denied. Protein shakes, for example, … What to think about supplements in muscle building – does it work? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

How do I have to eat for an ideal muscle build-up? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

How do I have to eat for an ideal muscle build-up? The most important aspect of a diet aimed at building muscle is the “excess calories“. In concrete terms, this means that the body has to be fed more calories than it burns. This is the only way the body can provide for bad times. … How do I have to eat for an ideal muscle build-up? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

What does muscle building training look like? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

What does muscle building training look like? Muscle building training should differ depending on the athlete’s level of training. This is at least the currently prevailing opinion in the professional world, as the muscle build-up of a beginner differs significantly from that of a “professional”. What they all have in common, however, is the achievement … What does muscle building training look like? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

What are the risks in muscle building? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

What are the risks in muscle building? In addition to the success and profit from muscle building or strength training, it offers some dangers, which will be discussed in the following: Athletes can become overtrained if they are under too much strain for too long a period of time. This happens when the recovery is … What are the risks in muscle building? | Muscle building – strength training for muscle growth

Epidural anaesthesia

Introduction Pain is a major topic in all areas of medicine. In acute cases, pain can strain the circulation, aggravates the subjective experience of an illness and can also become a long-term burden. Sometimes pain can no longer be controlled with conventional medication in tablet form. It is then possible to switch from a so-called … Epidural anaesthesia