Exercises from physiotherapy for a hip TEP exercise 9Picture 1

“Stretch hip flexor” In supine position, let the affected leg hang down on a raised surface. Take care not to get into the hollow back. Slight pendulum movements are possible. After 15 seconds take a short break and repeat the exercise 2 more times. “The hanging leg remains in its position while the previous stretched … Exercises from physiotherapy for a hip TEP exercise 9Picture 1

Physiotherapy after hip-TEP

Physiotherapy after a hip TEP is of vital importance. In most cases, structures (vision, ligaments, muscles) around the hip joint are injured by the operation. The physiology of the hip joint is thus severely impaired. At this point, physiotherapy after a hip TEP becomes indispensable. The possible damage can be counteracted by targeted muscle build-up … Physiotherapy after hip-TEP