Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

General information Inflammation that occurs in the armpit area can have various causes. In most cases, the inflammatory processes in the armpit are provoked by minute skin damage, through which bacterial pathogens can pass through the skin surface. This damage is usually caused by regular shaving and the use of antiperspirants (deodorants). Almost all men … Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Potential danger of inflammation in the armpit | Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Potential danger of inflammation in the armpit Inflammation in the armpit is usually a harmless local process, which in most cases occurs as a result of the smallest skin lesions. It often occurs during the depilation process when shaving or when using aggressive depilatory creams. Via the small lesions, pathogens can penetrate the skin and … Potential danger of inflammation in the armpit | Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Appearance with the baby | Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Appearance with the baby Many parents observe inflammation in their babies’ armpits. Mostly this appears as redness, which is accompanied by a yellowish scaling or a kind of “sour cream”, as many parents call it. Usually this is the harmless “head gneiss”, which very often occurs in babies within the first three months and disappears … Appearance with the baby | Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Pectoralis Major Muscle: Structure, Function & Diseases

The pectoralis major muscle is the large chest muscle. It participates in motor control of the arm (internal rotation, adduction, anteversion) and as an accessory muscle in respiration. In Poland syndrome, a rare dysplasia, the pectoralis major muscle may be completely absent or underdeveloped. What is the pectoralis major muscle? The pectoralis major muscle is … Pectoralis Major Muscle: Structure, Function & Diseases


The term boil comes from Latin and means “little thief”. A boil is a deep, painful inflammation that originates from the hair follicle and then spreads to the surrounding tissue. In the middle, the skin tissue begins to die off after some time (medical term: necrosis, a kind of cell death) and a central melting … Boils

Therapy of a furuncle | Boils

Therapy of a furuncle There are several possibilities for the therapy of a furuncle. Which of them makes the most sense depends on the location of the furuncle and its severity. It is important to take a closer look at the therapy of a furuncle. On the one hand, it causes pain and is unaesthetic, … Therapy of a furuncle | Boils

Complications of a boil | Boils

Complications of a boil Boils are characterized as purulent infection of the soft tissue. Strictly speaking it is a purulent infection of the hair follicle. Unlike folliculitis, a simple inflammation of the hair follicle, the definition of boils includes the presence of pus. The pus is cell waste and bacteria. It is typically whitish-yellow in … Complications of a boil | Boils