
Synonyms Medical: Hordeolum Definition A hordeolum (barleycorn) is an acute bacterial inflammation of an eyelid gland. If several glands are affected at the same time, one speaks of a hordeolosis (several barley grains). Characteristic for the barleycorn (hordeolum) are: Usually there is a central pus point. The inner barleycorn usually shows more severe symptoms (e.g. … Barleycorn


Introduction Floxal is the trade name of a drug containing the active ingredient Ofloxacin. Ofloxacin belongs to the group of antibiotics, more precisely the fluoroquinolones. Floxal is intended for use on the eye and is available in the form of eye drops and eye ointment. It is used to treat various types of eye infections. … Floxal

Eye drops | Floxal

Eye drops Floxal is available in different dosage forms. Eye drops are the most commonly prescribed. There are two different variants of these: a bottle containing a certain milliliter quantity of eye drops that is used repeatedly and the so-called EDO eye drops. EDO stands for Ein Dosis Ophtiole. These are several very small bottles … Eye drops | Floxal

Active ingredient, effect | Floxal

Active ingredient, effect The active ingredient contained in Floxal is Ofloxacin. This is an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones. Ofloxacin is used to treat various bacterial infections. These include bacterial infections of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia), skin and soft tissues, bones, abdomen, kidneys, urinary tract and reproductive organs. For all these indications it … Active ingredient, effect | Floxal

Interactions | Floxal

Interactions When Ofloxacin is applied externally in the form of eye drops or eye ointment, there are no interactions with other drugs. Interactions may occur if Ofloxacin is taken in tablet form. Contraindications There is only one contraindication for the use of the eye drops: if hypersensitivity to the active substance or the other ingredients … Interactions | Floxal

Price | Floxal

Price 5 ml Floxal eye drops (bottles for multiple use) cost about 16 euros in an online pharmacy. The product is available only on prescription. If a cash prescription is submitted, the co-payment costs amount to 5 euros per prescription. 3 grams of Floxal eye ointment also cost about 16 euros, with a cash prescription … Price | Floxal

Duration of the application | Floxal

Duration of the application Usually it is sufficient to use Floxal eye drops for 5-7 days. In some cases a shorter period of use is also sufficient. The maximum application period should not exceed 14 days. In individual cases, however, it should be discussed with the treating ophthalmologist over how many days the application should … Duration of the application | Floxal

Hygiene measures | Barleycorn and contact lenses

Hygiene measures recommended hygiene measures for contact lenses: Avoid contact of contact lenses with make-up. Insert contact lenses before applying make-up. Remove contact lenses only after removing make-up. Clean contact lenses carefully according to the instructions for use. Clean the contact lens container regularly and replace the container once a month. Use cleaning agent with … Hygiene measures | Barleycorn and contact lenses

Inflammation of the eyelid skin | Inflammation of the upper eyelid

Inflammation of the eyelid skin Inflammations in the upper eyelid, which are limited to the eyelid skin, are often caused by a viral infection. The reinfection or activation of a Varicella zoster virus, the pathogen causing chickenpox and shingles, can lead to the so-called zoster ophthalmicus (facial erythema) in immunocompromised patients. Initially, this painful clinical … Inflammation of the eyelid skin | Inflammation of the upper eyelid

Inflammation of the eyelid glands | Inflammation of the upper eyelid

Inflammation of the eyelid glands Inflammation of the upper eyelid can also be caused by inflammation of the eyelid glands. The barleycorn (hordeolum) originates from the sebaceous and sweat glands of the eyelid. A further distinction is made between a hordeolum externum if the glands on the eyelashes on the outer edge of the eyelid … Inflammation of the eyelid glands | Inflammation of the upper eyelid