
Structure Hemoglobin is a protein in the human body that has important functions for the transport of oxygen in the blood. Proteins in the human body are always made up of multiple amino acids linked together. The amino acids are partly taken up by the body with food, partly the body can also convert other … Hemoglobin

Levothyroxine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Various hormonal diseases require hormonal adjustment or hormone replacement therapy. This also applies to thyroid disease. Thus, in the case of hypothyroidism, the administration of artificial thyroid hormones is necessary. Levothyroxine, for example, is used in this case. What is hypothyroidism? Levothyroxine is a thyroid hormone. More precisely, it is the T4 form of the … Levothyroxine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Energy Metabolism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The body’s energy metabolism is characterized by the biochemical breakdown of energy-rich organic parent compounds into energy-poor inorganic compounds with the release of energy. This energy is required to maintain biological processes. Furthermore, a distinction must be made between energy metabolism and building metabolism (anabolism). What is energy metabolism? Energy metabolism is characterized by the … Energy Metabolism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Blood Sugar: Function & Diseases

One of the vital ingredients of the blood is blood sugar. It forms the body’s own fuel, without which many cells could not exist. Closely related to blood sugar is the new common disease diabetes mellitus (type 2). What is blood sugar? A blood glucose test is used by doctors to further diagnose various diseases. … Blood Sugar: Function & Diseases

What is the HbA1c Value?

The long-term blood glucose value HbA1c is a very important parameter for assessing blood glucose control. It allows the physician to assess how well the metabolic control is and to optimize therapy. According to the guidelines of the German Diabetes Society, it should be below seven percent in a well-controlled diabetic. Long-term value The HbA1c … What is the HbA1c Value?

Obesity: No. 1 of the Deadly Quartet

The four killers of the “Deadly Quartet,” high blood pressure, elevated blood lipids, elevated blood sugar, and abdominal obesity, cost the lives of more people every year, yet the latter in particular – the troublesome and, in addition, dangerous belly fat – can be brought under control with relatively little effort. Abundant belly fat endangers … Obesity: No. 1 of the Deadly Quartet


Insulin is an endogenous hormone produced in the pancreas. Insulin causes sugar to be absorbed from the blood into the liver and muscles. This causes the blood sugar level to drop. Insulin, also known as insulinum, insulin hormone or islet hormone, can be assigned to the class of proteohormones. All members of this hormone class … Insulin

Insulin Release | Insulin

Insulin Release Insulin is released by various stimuli initiated by the organism. Probably the most important stimulus for the release of the tissue hormone is an increase in the blood sugar level. From a glucose level of approximately 5 mmol/l, the beta cells of the pancreas begin to secrete insulin. In addition, various amino acids, … Insulin Release | Insulin