Guttate Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Guttate psoriasis is a subtype of psoriasis. It primarily manifests in children and young adults. What is guttate psoriasis? In the medical community, guttate psoriasis is also known as exanthematous psoriasis. It represents one of several different subtypes of psoriasis. Approximately two percent of all patients suffering from psoriasis are affected by guttate psoriasis. This … Guttate Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Joint Diseases: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Joint diseases, especially degenerative changes (wear and tear diseases), represent the most common impairment of the musculoskeletal system in Germany. Almost every second person over the age of 45 is affected by joint pain. Medically, these diseases are summarized under the term arthropathy. What are joint diseases? Infographic of pain regions and affected joints in … Joint Diseases: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Prolongation of the QT Interval

Symptoms Drug-induced prolongation of the QT interval can rarely lead to severe arrhythmias. This is polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, known as torsade de pointes arrhythmia. It can be seen on the ECG as a wave-like structure. Due to the dysfunction, the heart cannot maintain blood pressure and can only pump insufficient blood and oxygen to the … Prolongation of the QT Interval

Ammonium Chloride

Products In many countries, human medicines with ammonium chloride as the active ingredient are no longer on the market. The salt is an ingredient in Mixtura solvens (Dissolving Mixture PH) and licorice. It used to be included in Bisolvon Linctus syrup along with bromhexine. In some countries, expectorants are available. Structure and properties Ammonium chloride … Ammonium Chloride

Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory and systemic joint disease. It manifests as pain, symmetrically tense, achy, warm, and swollen joints, swelling, and morning stiffness that lasts for more than an hour. Initially, the hands, wrists, and feet are most affected, but later numerous other joints are also affected. Over time, deformities and rheumatoid … Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes and Treatment


Symptoms Symptoms of Covid-19 include (selection): Fever Cough (irritating cough or with sputum) Respiratory disorders, shortness of breath, shortness of breath. Feeling sick, fatigue Cold symptoms: runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat. Pain in the limbs, muscle and joint pain. Gastrointestinal complaints: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Nervous system: impairment of the sense of smell … COVID-19

Amodiaquine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Amodiaquine is an active ingredient used to treat malaria. It is used as a monotherapy and combination preparation, particularly against malaria tropica, which is caused by the unicellular parasite Plasmodium falciparum. What is amodiaquine? Amodiaquine is an active ingredient used to treat malaria. Amodiaquine is an aromatic hydrocarbon. It belongs to the 4-amino-choline group and … Amodiaquine: Effects, Uses & Risks


Products Hydroxychloroquine is commercially available in the form of film-coated tablets (Plaquenil, auto-generic: Hydroxychloroquine Zentiva). It has been approved in many countries since 1998. Unlike the closely related chloroquine, it is currently on sale. Generic drugs are registered. Structure and properties Hydroxychloroquine (C18H26ClN3O, Mr = 335.9 g/mol) is an aminoquinoline derivative. It is present in … Hydroxychloroquine

Mefloquine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Mefloquine is the name of an active ingredient used to treat and prevent malaria. Due to its severe side effects, the manufacturer has stopped selling the drug in Germany. What is mefloquine? Mefloquine was jointly developed by Swiss pharmaceutical company F. Hoffmann-La-Roche AG and a U.S. Army institute to treat the tropical disease malaria. Prevention … Mefloquine: Effects, Uses & Risks


Symptoms Chikungunya manifests itself after an incubation period of 1-12 days in high fever, chills, headache, sensitivity to light, rash, and severe muscle and joint pain. The duration of illness is 1-2 weeks. Serious complications and a fatal outcome are rarely possible. Pain in various joints characterizes the disease and may persist for months to … Chikungunya

Praziquantel: Effects, Uses & Risks

The substance praziquantel is effective against worm infestation in both humans and animals. It fights various types of worms and kills them. The duration of intake depends individually on the strength and type of worm infestation. What is praziquantel? The substance praziquantel is effective against worm infestation in both humans and animals. Praziquantel is a … Praziquantel: Effects, Uses & Risks

Gray Hair

Symptoms Gray hair is caused by single to many white hairs in the hairstyle. Together with the normally pigmented hair, the hair appears gray to silver. Gray hair has an altered structure, stands crosswise and is less easy to comb. Hair has an important communication function and is important for external appearance and attractiveness. Full … Gray Hair