Summary | Measles

Summary Measles is caused by a virus. This virus is transmitted by droplet infection from person to person – for example, by coughing and sneezing. Due to the high risk of infection, measles usually occurs as a children’s disease and is very common in kindergarten and school. Once the patients are sick with measles, the … Summary | Measles

Duration of the MRT Sellink | Realization of a MRI ́s according to Sellink

Duration of the MRT Sellink Duration of the MRT Sellink is about 20 Indication An MRI according to Sellink is used for previously unexplained complaints in the small intestine. It allows an exact assessment of the small intestine mucosa with regard to connective tissue strands such as The examination can also reveal malformations, fistulas, disturbances … Duration of the MRT Sellink | Realization of a MRI ́s according to Sellink

Homeopathy for exhaustion during breastfeeding

Homeopathic medicines In case of exhaustion during and after breast-feeding, the following homeopathic medicines are used as a supportive measure: China (cinchona tree) Sodium muriaticum (common salt) China (cinchona tree) Typical dosage of China (cinchona bark tree) for exhaustion during breastfeeding: tablets D4 Exhaustion after heavy blood loss during childbirth or strong postpartum flow Pale … Homeopathy for exhaustion during breastfeeding

Synovitis of the wrist

Definition Synovitis (also known as synovitis) refers to an inflammation in the joint. It is specifically an inflammation of the joint capsule, i.e. the connective tissue surrounding the joint. The innermost layer of the joint capsule is affected by the inflammation. On the hand, it is usually the wrist that is affected. However, there may … Synovitis of the wrist

Diagnosis | Synovitis of the wrist

Diagnosis The diagnosis of synovitis is initially based on the medical history, i.e. the interview of the affected person by the doctor. In particular, chronic causes of synovitis should be investigated in detail. During the physical examination, movement restrictions and pain points can be recorded. This is usually followed by an ultrasound examination of the … Diagnosis | Synovitis of the wrist

Drug Psychosis

Synonyms in a broader sense Drug-induced psychosis, colloquially: “getting stuck Introduction Drug psychosis is a loss of reference to reality caused by intoxicants, which outlasts the actual effect of the intoxication and in the worst case remains permanent. Drug psychosis can manifest itself with all the symptoms of non-drug-induced schizophrenia (see schizophrenia), such as optical … Drug Psychosis

Therapy | Drug Psychosis

Therapy The basis and decisive factor for a successful therapy of a drug psychosis is the renunciation of triggering substances. Further treatment follows the principles of therapy of non-drug-induced psychoses. For the treatment of psychotic symptoms, drugs from the class of neuroleptics are used. These are available in various preparations both for administration in the … Therapy | Drug Psychosis

Course of multiple sclerosis

Introduction Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. This is composed of the brain and spinal cord and is known to be responsible for controlling all bodily functions. Multiple sclerosis is still an incurable disease. Although enormous funds are being made available for research, neither the cause nor a … Course of multiple sclerosis