Duration of the MRT Sellink | Realization of a MRI ́s according to Sellink

Duration of the MRT Sellink

Duration of the MRT Sellink is about 20


An MRI according to Sellink is used for previously unexplained complaints in the small intestine. It allows an exact assessment of the small intestine mucosa with regard to connective tissue strands such as The examination can also reveal malformations, fistulas, disturbances in intestinal rotation during development or even stenoses. If a tumor is suspected to have developed in the small intestine, the MRI examination can also be a very good diagnostic tool.

On the basis of the images, tumors can be assessed particularly well with regard to their location and size using a contrast medium. The examination is also used to clarify unclear diarrhea, bleeding and intolerance reactions to food. But the examination can also be performed after surgical interventions such as the removal of individual sections of the small intestine. This allows on the one hand to check whether the sutures are tight and on the other hand to assess the position of the remaining sections of small intestine.

  • Brides (adhesions)
  • Inflammatory processes such as ulcers in colitis or Crohn’s disease
  • Possibly existing peculiar protrusions of the small intestine wall as they occur in diverticula.


MRI sellink examination is contraindicated in patients with a pacemaker, a built-in cardio-defibrillator, a permanently implanted neurostimulator or insulin pump, or even dentures with magnetic holders. Implanted devices are massively attracted and damaged by MRI according to Sellink and can therefore lead to serious complications. The physician should also be informed of any known allergy or intolerance to the contrast medium.

The examination should still not be performed if pregnancy occurs in the first trimester (1st third). ‘Until now, damage to the fetus has not been reliably proven by the examination, but an examination should only be performed under strict indication and in exceptional cases. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an expensive examination.

Depending on the complexity of the procedure and whether it is performed as an outpatient or inpatient procedure, the costs can run into the hundreds of Euros. The indication for an MRI Sellink examination should therefore be strictly defined and the patient can obtain detailed information about the costs from his health insurance company before the examination is performed. The cost coverage or even the participation in the costs can vary depending on the reason for the examination with the different health insurance companies.

If the doctor considers the examination necessary, the costs will be covered by the statutory insurance. For privately insured persons, costs of 600 – 1000 € can be expected.