What is Cretinism?

Whom we call ‘idiot’ today, in former times was often called ‘cretin’ (derives from French ‘crétin’). People who suffered from cretinism were conspicuous in particularly severe manifestations by dwarfism, a deformed nose, thick tongue and sometimes also by pronounced imbecility. Recognizing cretinism Cretinism, by definition, is a developmental disorder that occurs due to a deficiency … What is Cretinism?

Cretinism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cretinism is a disorder of body growth and mental development in newborns caused by hormone deficiency. The deficiency can be easily detected by early examination of the infant. Treated infants develop completely normally. What is cretinism? Cretinism is a developmental disorder in children caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones. The term is derived from … Cretinism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Therapy | Hypothyroidism

Therapy Hypothyroidism is an incurable disease. The treatment of hypothyroidism should be started as early as possible to avoid permanent damage in the later stages. The aim of the therapy of hypothyroidism is to correct the TSH level to within the normal range and to contain the symptoms. The hormone deficiency is compensated by taking … Therapy | Hypothyroidism


Congenital hypothyroidism, cretinism, athyroidism, thyroid dysplasia, thyroidectopiaThe thyroid gland is a hormone-producing bilobed gland in the front part of the neck. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces no or insufficient amounts of the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodidthyronine so that the hormone effect on the target organs is reduced or absent. The thyroid hormones … Hypothyroidism

Causes | Hypothyroidism

Causes Primary hypothyroidism is the most common cause. In this form of hypothyroidism, the problem lies in the thyroid gland itself. The triggers for this can either be congenital or acquired. In Germany, approximately one in 4000 newborns is born with hypothyroidism. The organ is either completely absent, incorrectly developed or the thyroid gland has … Causes | Hypothyroidism

Symptoms | Hypothyroidism

Symptoms The symptoms of hypothyroidism can vary in severity and may not always be present. Due to the slowed metabolic processes, the body runs on low flame. The typical symptoms of an underactive thyroid include fatigue and loss of performance, weight gain without changing eating habits, increased sensitivity to cold, dry rough skin, hair loss … Symptoms | Hypothyroidism

Diagnosis | Hypothyroidism

Diagnosis In order to be able to make a diagnosis of hypothyroidism, your attending physician will first have a detailed conversation about your current symptoms and the family history of your condition. The doctor will also be interested in the question of your eating habits, in order to uncover any iodine deficiency due to insufficient … Diagnosis | Hypothyroidism