Exercises against neck tensions 6

“Latissimus pull – starting position” You assume an upright and straight posture while sitting. The shoulder blades are pulled deeply back while their arms are stretched upwards, the sternum is pointing upwards. “Latissimus pull – end position” From the starting position, both elbows are pulled towards the upper body. The shoulder blades remain fixed at … Exercises against neck tensions 6

Exercises for the thoracic spine

The anterior (ventral) musculature shortens noticeably in today’s everyday life, while the back muscles are too weak to straighten the spine. Exercises for the thoracic spine are aimed at correcting this muscular imbalance, maintaining the mobility of the vertebral joints and restoring the physiological position of the spine. The exercises should be integrated into everyday … Exercises for the thoracic spine

Exercises for cartilage damage

Our joints are covered by a layer of hyaline joint cartilage, which facilitates the sliding of the two joint partners against each other. Hyaline cartilage is a cartilaginous connective tissue with a very high water content. It serves as a shock absorber. There are no nerve endings in the cartilage, which means it is not … Exercises for cartilage damage