Pseudoradicular pain

Definition – What is pseudoradicular pain? Pseudoradicular pain is pain in the back that is not caused by irritation of the nerve root, but only feigns it. Pseudoradicular pain is also called referred pain. This means that the pain is perceived at a different location than the actual point of origin. The most common explanatory … Pseudoradicular pain

Associated symptoms besides pain | Pseudoradicular pain

Associated symptoms besides pain In pseudoradicular pain, the pain is transmitted from the joints and ligament structures of the spine from the back mainly to the extremities. Pseudoradicular pain is usually located deep in the lower back and radiates along the thigh to the knee. Characteristically, the pain is aggravated by prolonged standing or walking. … Associated symptoms besides pain | Pseudoradicular pain

TreatmentTherapy | Pseudoradicular pain

TreatmentTherapy Pseudoradicular pain can be treated well with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These pain-relieving drugs include preparations with the active ingredients acetylsalicylic acid, diclofenac or ibuprofen, which are available without prescription in any pharmacy. However, prolonged use should be discussed with a doctor. Osteopathy offers good treatment options for pseudoradicular pain. Through the so-called spinal … TreatmentTherapy | Pseudoradicular pain