Misuse of Cough Syrup

Cough syrup as an intoxicant Many antirritant cough syrups contain active ingredients that are psychoactive in high doses and can be abused as intoxicants. Substances include, for example: Opioids such as codeine, dihydrocodeine and ethylmorphine. NMDA antagonists: dextromethorphan Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine and oxomemazine. Phenothiazines: promethazine (out of commerce). Such drugs are unlike other drugs … Misuse of Cough Syrup

Dispensing Categories of Medicinal Products

Definition The dispensing of licensed medicines is strictly regulated by law in many countries. Drugs may be available by prescription (prescription-only), nonprescription, and over-the-counter. Typical dispensing points are pharmacies, drugstores and doctors’ offices, provided that self-dispensing is permitted by the canton. Category E drugs may also be sold in the retail trade, for example in … Dispensing Categories of Medicinal Products

Night Work

Background According to the Labor Law, shift work refers to employees working staggered and alternately at the same workplace: “Shift work occurs when two or more groups of employees are assigned to work staggered and alternately at the same workplace according to a specific schedule.” This definition also refers to work during the day. From … Night Work


Products Obiltoxaximab was approved in the United States in 2016 as an infusion product (Anthim). It has not yet been registered in many countries. Obiltoxaximab was developed with funding from national organizations and is intended primarily for the treatment of victims of a terrorist attack with anthrax spores (Strategic National Stockpile). Structure and properties Obiltoxaximab … Obiltoxaximab

Mosquito Bites

Symptoms Possible symptoms after a mosquito bite include local reactions such as: Itching Wheal formation, swelling, induration Redness, feeling of warmth Inflammation Due to the skin lesion, there is a risk of infection. Usually mosquito bites are self-limiting and disappear after a few days on their own. However, a mosquito bite can also cause swelling … Mosquito Bites


Products Sedatives are commercially available in the form of tablets, melting tablets, drops, as injectables and tinctures, among others. Structure and properties Sedatives do not have a uniform chemical structure. Effects The active ingredients have sedative properties. Some are additionally antianxiety, sleep-inducing, antipsychotic, antidepressant, and anticonvulsant. The effects are due to promotion of inhibitory mechanisms … Sedative

Mouth Rot

Symptoms Oral thrush, or primary gingivostomatitis herpetica, occurs primarily in children between 6 months and 5 years of age and in young adults around 20 years of age and may also affect older adults. It manifests itself in the following symptoms, among others: Swollen cervical lymph nodes, aphthoid lesions and ulcerations in the mouth and … Mouth Rot


Products Dimenhydrinate is commercially available in the form of tablets, dragées, [chewing gum dragées>chewing gum], and capsules, among others. Since 2012, a combination with the calcium channel blocker cinnarizine has been approved in many countries (Arlevert) see under Cinnarizine and Dimenhydrinate. Structure and properties Dimenhydrinate (C24H28ClN5O3, Mr = 470.0 g/mol) is the salt of diphenhydramine … Dimenhydrinate


Products Antitussives are commercially available in the form of tablets, capsules, as cough syrups, and drops, among others. Structure and properties Antitussives do not have a uniform chemical structure. However, many are derived from natural opium alkaloids (opioids). Effects Antitussives have cough-irritating (antitussive) properties. They reduce the frequency and intensity of coughing attacks. Their effects … Antitussives


Products Methaqualone was launched in the 1960s and is now off the market in many countries. Toquilone compositum (fixed combination with diphenhydramine) was withdrawn from the market in late 2005. Methaqualone is now one of the more tightly controlled narcotics (schedule a). Structure and properties Methaqualone (C16H14N2O, Mr = 250.3 g/mol) is a quinazoline derivative. … Methaqualone

Tension Headache

Symptoms Sporadic, frequent, or chronic in onset: A bilateral pain originating in the forehead and extending along the sides of the head to the occipital bone at the back of the skull Pain quality: pulling, pressing, constricting, non-pulsating. Duration between 30 minutes and 7 days Mild to moderate pain, normal daily activities are possible Radiation … Tension Headache