Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

The physiotherapeutic treatment of a spinal stenosis of the cervical spine is initially based on the existing symptoms, and later on the actual cause, in order to ensure long-term success and avoid recurrence. Contents of the treatment Key points of the therapy are: Goals and corresponding measures are developed individually together with the patient and … Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Main goal of the therapy | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Main goal of the therapy The main goal of the patient will be to not be restricted in his or her daily requirements. The development of the supporting muscles around the cervical spine and general posture training are closely related. There are various special exercises and measures for this purpose, such as setting external stimuli … Main goal of the therapy | Spinal canal stenosis cervical spine treatment without surgery

Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms

Signs of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) can include: from sky-high to sad to death, from energetic to tired and unfocused – the monthly ups and downs of hormones cause many women to experience fluctuations in their physical and mental well-being. The days leading up to the period are not the best for many women. PMS: What … Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms

Cysts and Fibroids

Among the many technical terms used by medical professionals, the term “tumor” most often gives rise to misunderstanding and groundless, unnecessary anxiety. A typical example: the gynecologist discovers cysts on the woman’s ovaries during an examination. He notes the diagnosis “adnexal tumor” on the medical chart or in the hospital admission, meaning only that something … Cysts and Fibroids

Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

The so-called cervical spine syndrome (cervical syndrome) is a collective term for various orthopedic or neurological symptoms, which can also occur in the area of the cervical spine in combination. The symptoms typically manifest themselves in the shoulder-neck-arm region. If problems occur in the cervical spine region, this is often referred to as cervical spine … Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

Stretching exercises for the cervical spine | Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

Stretching exercises for the cervical spine Below are two stretching exercises described that you can do independently at home or simply in between. The stretching exercises are aimed at the shoulder and neck muscles. Since this is a sensitive area, you should make sure that you do them correctly and listen to your pain sensation. … Stretching exercises for the cervical spine | Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

Prognosis | Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

Prognosis The prognosis for the healing or improvement of the cervical spine syndrome is strongly dependent on the cause. If, for example, muscle tension, poor posture or vertebral blockages are responsible for the problems, there is a high probability of achieving relief or complete healing with targeted therapy. Due to the variety of symptoms and … Prognosis | Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

Diagnosis/Differential Diagnosis | Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

Diagnosis/Differential Diagnosis Due to the diversity of causes and symptoms, cervical spine syndrome requires a thorough diagnosis to ensure the best possible therapy for the respective problems. There are several ways to diagnose the cervical spine syndrome. In most cases, the description of the symptoms is sufficient for this diagnosis to be made. If you … Diagnosis/Differential Diagnosis | Physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome

Dandelion: do Not Mow, But Eat

So much for weeds and rabbit food: the wild herb dandelion, native throughout Europe and often frowned upon as a weed, is experiencing a renaissance, as it has many uses not only in the kitchen but also in medicine. Its more than 500 common names indicate that the dandelion, whose botanical name is Taraxacum officinale … Dandelion: do Not Mow, But Eat