Immunology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Immunology is a branch of biological research strongly oriented toward medical applications. Its subject is the immune system, most particularly that of mammals and humans. Findings and products of immunological research help in infection biology, oncology, allergology, and transplant medicine. What is immunology? Immunology is a branch of biological research that is strongly focused on … Immunology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The symptoms in the child | The symptoms of iron deficiency

The symptoms in the child Iron deficiency often occurs in children as well. Especially in the growth phase, when blood volume and muscle mass increase, children have an increased need for iron, which must be covered by a balanced diet (meat, beans, peas, spinach, apricots, etc. are particularly rich in iron). In most cases, the … The symptoms in the child | The symptoms of iron deficiency

Epo – Erythropoietin

Erythropoietin (Epo) belongs to the group of glycoprotein hormones and is produced in the kidney. From there it is transported via the blood to the red bone marrow, where it triggers the formation of new erythrocytes. In medicine, Epo is used in renal insufficiency (reduced erythrocyte concentration in the blood). Epo can now be produced … Epo – Erythropoietin

Anabolic steroids

Definition Anabolic steroids or also anabolic steroids are the most frequently detected substances in doping controls. Since 1993, the anabolic substances have been divided into two subgroups. – anabolic, androgenic steroids (see below) Beta-2 agonists The anabolic steroids or also called anabolic steroids are artificially produced active ingredients that are very similar in their structure … Anabolic steroids

Side effects | Anabolic steroids

Side effects Anabolic steroids are taken by many strength athletes, but few are fully aware of their side effects. Taking this drug is by no means without danger, but potentially life-threatening. The side effects are divided into different groups. A distinction is made between hormonal side effects, metabolic changes, skin side effects, cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric … Side effects | Anabolic steroids

Proof | Anabolic steroids

Proof The detection of anabolic steroids is difficult despite the most modern medical technology. Due to metabolic processes, anabolic steroids can only be detected in urine days to weeks after ingestion, depending on the type of medication. For this reason doping tests are not only carried out immediately after the competition, but also as unannounced … Proof | Anabolic steroids

Amphetamines/ Wake-up amines

Introduction Amphetamine and methamphetamine belong to the group of wake-up calls. The intake of Weckaminen is considered as doping and causes an improvement of the co-ordinative abilities with sporty loads. The Weckamine causes a stimulation of the central nervous system (CNS). This leads to an improvement in the interaction between the CNS and the musculature. … Amphetamines/ Wake-up amines

Restricted use of active substances in doping

Introduction This group of active ingredients are substrates that are approved for use in competitions with certain restrictions. These substances are not directly included in doping. However, the question arises as to whether it does not appear medically more sensible to cure the athlete completely than to treat him with local anaesthetics or corticosteroids. The … Restricted use of active substances in doping