TreatmentTherapy | Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

TreatmentTherapy It is important to treat hearing disorders at an early stage to prevent possible developmental disorders. The treatment depends on the type of disease. If the tuba auditiva is closed, an attempt must be made to open it. Enlarged pharyngeal tonsils are removed, a cold or middle ear infection is treated.If these measures are … TreatmentTherapy | Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

Therapy for eczema in the auditory canal | Eczema in the auditory canal

Therapy for eczema in the auditory canal The therapy depends on the cause, but in general, triggering factors must be eliminated, especially in the case of contact eczema. Here a first improvement is reached by removing the exogenous noxe, this can be for example a piercing from nickel or chrome. The affected skin area is … Therapy for eczema in the auditory canal | Eczema in the auditory canal

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Synonyms Hearing, ear, hearing organ, sense of hearing, sense of hearing, acoustic perception, auditory perception, Definition Hearing/human hearing is our best trained sense. This means that we are able to distinguish, for example, twice as much as we can with visual impressions: From more than 24 frames per second on, we no longer recognize individual … Listen to