Eye drops for conjunctivitis | Eye drops

Eye drops for conjunctivitis In conjunctivitis, the affected eye is swollen, reddened and often sensitive to pressure. Conjunctivitis can have various causes. It can be allergic, for example to hay fever. Depending on the symptoms, moisturising eye drops can improve the symptoms. Here, for example, so-called artificial tears or euphrasia, also known as “eyebright“, can … Eye drops for conjunctivitis | Eye drops

Ectropion (Outward Sweeping of the Eyelid): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

An ectropion is the term used to describe an outward sweep of the eyelid, which usually affects the lower eyelid. In this case, the affected eye usually exhibits redness, frequent tearing (tear drainage over the lid margin), and chronic conjunctival and, by extension, corneal irritation. With early therapy, ectropion is reversible and, depending on the … Ectropion (Outward Sweeping of the Eyelid): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Blepharitis (Inflammation of the Eyelid Margin): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Blepharitis or eyelid rim inflammation is a common eye condition. Itchy, burning and red eyes and adhesions at the eyelid margins, especially after waking up, are the typical complaints. There are various causes of blepharitis. Eyelid rim inflammation can also become chronic. What is blepharitis? Blepharitis is the medical term for inflammation of the eyelids. … Blepharitis (Inflammation of the Eyelid Margin): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Price | Floxal

Price 5 ml Floxal eye drops (bottles for multiple use) cost about 16 euros in an online pharmacy. The product is available only on prescription. If a cash prescription is submitted, the co-payment costs amount to 5 euros per prescription. 3 grams of Floxal eye ointment also cost about 16 euros, with a cash prescription … Price | Floxal

Duration of the application | Floxal

Duration of the application Usually it is sufficient to use Floxal eye drops for 5-7 days. In some cases a shorter period of use is also sufficient. The maximum application period should not exceed 14 days. In individual cases, however, it should be discussed with the treating ophthalmologist over how many days the application should … Duration of the application | Floxal


Introduction Floxal is the trade name of a drug containing the active ingredient Ofloxacin. Ofloxacin belongs to the group of antibiotics, more precisely the fluoroquinolones. Floxal is intended for use on the eye and is available in the form of eye drops and eye ointment. It is used to treat various types of eye infections. … Floxal

Eye drops | Floxal

Eye drops Floxal is available in different dosage forms. Eye drops are the most commonly prescribed. There are two different variants of these: a bottle containing a certain milliliter quantity of eye drops that is used repeatedly and the so-called EDO eye drops. EDO stands for Ein Dosis Ophtiole. These are several very small bottles … Eye drops | Floxal

Active ingredient, effect | Floxal

Active ingredient, effect The active ingredient contained in Floxal is Ofloxacin. This is an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones. Ofloxacin is used to treat various bacterial infections. These include bacterial infections of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia), skin and soft tissues, bones, abdomen, kidneys, urinary tract and reproductive organs. For all these indications it … Active ingredient, effect | Floxal