Eye drops and beta blockers

Effect By blocking the beta-receptor, when the substance is applied systemically as a tablet, the blood pressure is regulated downwards and the heartbeat is reduced. When used as eye drops, the production of aqueous humor in the eye is regulated downwards, thus reducing the intraocular pressure. Fields of application The main field of application of … Eye drops and beta blockers

Alpha-2 agonists

What are Alpha- 2- agonists? Alpha-2 agonists activate alpha-2 receptors by binding to them. They cause the sympathetic nervous system to be inhibited by a negative feedback mechanism. In the body, the natural agonists are adrenaline and noradrenaline. In medicine, synthetic alpha-2 agonists such as clonidine are used in the treatment of high blood pressure … Alpha-2 agonists

Cream against dark circles under the eyes yourself | Treat dark circles around the eyes with cream

Cream against dark circles under the eyes yourself Various natural products can be used to reduce dark circles under the eyes. In particular, high-quality oils such as coconut oil or almond oil can be rubbed into the skin under the eyes and have a positive effect on dark circles under the eyes. There is a … Cream against dark circles under the eyes yourself | Treat dark circles around the eyes with cream

Eye drops and eye ointments

In ophthalmology, numerous drugs are used in the form of eye drops or eye ointments. It should be noted that eye drops are absorbed more quickly and eye ointments often remain in the eye much longer and thus cause the typical deterioration of vision (schlieren vision). In addition to the cortisone and antibiotic eye drops, … Eye drops and eye ointments

Side effects | Eye drops and eye ointments

Side effects All eye drops also have some side effects, which are limited to allergic reactions or reddened eyes. In some cases, however, there may be systemic, serious side effects, which should then make it necessary to discontinue the eye drops/ointments or change the medication. All articles in this series: Eye drops and eye ointments … Side effects | Eye drops and eye ointments

Symptoms of eye herpes

Synonyms Herpes simplex corneae, herpes simplex keratitis, herpetic keratitisThe herpes on the eye is called herpes corneae in the technical language. This is usually understood to be an infection of the eye with the herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2. The herpes simplex virus in general migrates retrogradely (regressing) after first contact along … Symptoms of eye herpes

Eye ointments against fungi

Effect The active substance binds to so-called sterols, which are located on the fungal membrane. This causes the cell membrane to lose its tightness and potassium to flow out of the cell, causing cell death. Especially the active substance natamycin, which is mostly used in ophthalmology, has a broad spectrum of action against fungi and … Eye ointments against fungi

Antibiotic eye drops

Introduction Eye drops are oily or watery medicines that are administered to the eye and achieve their effect there. There are many different types of eye drops, the most important of which are antibiotic eye drops, eye drops that reduce the pressure of the eyes and drops that help against dryness or irritation of the … Antibiotic eye drops