
Introduction D-dimers are proteins that are formed when a thrombus is dissolved. They are cleavage products of fibrin that circulate freely in the blood. Their value is mainly determined when thrombosis is suspected. However, its significance is limited. A high D-dimer value can have many causes and does not clearly prove the presence of a … D-dimers

D-dimer test | D-dimers

D-dimer test D-dimers are determined by means of a specific antibody test. This test is not only carried out to rule out thrombosis, but also for the diagnosis and monitoring of other diseases. In clinical routine the determination of D-dimers is performed indirectly by means of specific antibodies. These bind to a specific region of … D-dimer test | D-dimers

What symptoms does an increase in D-dimer cause? | D-dimers

What symptoms does an increase in D-dimer cause? The symptoms caused by a D-dimer increase are essentially related to the underlying disease. The typical symptoms of a thromboembolic event include swelling of the affected body part, overheating, painful pressure, redness and a distinct feeling of tension. Pulmonary embolism is an acutely life-threatening situation that manifests … What symptoms does an increase in D-dimer cause? | D-dimers

Nutrition recommendations | Nutrition for short bowel syndrome

Nutrition recommendations From a residual length of the small intestine of 30 to 50 cm permanent artificial nutrition via infusion. From a residual length of the small intestine of 60 to 80 cm, start as soon as possible after the operation with food intake in the form of a light full diet. So-called form diets … Nutrition recommendations | Nutrition for short bowel syndrome

Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Herpes simplex encephalitis (also known as HSV encephalitis for short) is an inflammation of the brain caused by herpes simplex viruses. After a phase of nonspecific flu-like symptoms, the patient presents with characteristic neurological and neuropsychological symptoms as the disease progresses. With early treatment, the prognosis is good. What is herpes simplex encephalitis? Herpes simplex … Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Omega 3 fatty acids and alcohol – is it compatible? | Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids and alcohol – is it compatible? In principle, the consumption of alcohol is compatible with the intake of omega-3 fatty acids. As fatty acids are not directly effective substances, no interaction is to be expected. However, excessive and frequent consumption of alcohol is not recommended. In addition to an addictive disorder, … Omega 3 fatty acids and alcohol – is it compatible? | Omega 3 fatty acids

Strangers with the baby

Definition The word “strangers” describes a behavior of small children towards strangers. In this context, the term “stranger” can also be defined as grandma, grandpa or their own dad. Small children can start to become strangers overnight and then face all other people, including the immediate and familiar surroundings, with suspicion and a dismissive behavior. … Strangers with the baby

How to diagnose strangers | Strangers with the baby

How to diagnose strangers The diagnosis of “strangerhood” is possible only through close observation and analysis of the child’s behavior. If children suddenly react anxiously to a person who enters the room or comes into the close vicinity of the child and wants to be hidden behind mommy’s legs for protection or wants to be … How to diagnose strangers | Strangers with the baby

How long does the strangeness last in the baby? | Strangers with the baby

How long does the strangeness last in the baby? Normally, children start to become strangers at an age of 6 to 9 months. A frequency peak is described in the 8th month, on which the synonym “8-months anxiety” is based. From the 2nd to 3rd year of life onwards, the fear of strangers usually subsides … How long does the strangeness last in the baby? | Strangers with the baby