Sex Addiction: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hypersexuality – colloquially sex addiction – refers to an increased desire for sex or sexual acts. Medicine, psychology and sexology are increasingly concerned with this issue in recent years. The causes are of different nature, the demarcation from still healthy to already unhealthy behavior is difficult. What is sex addiction? A scientific definition for the … Sex Addiction: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Spermatic ducts

Anatomy The spermatic duct (lat. Ductus deferens) represents a 35-40 cm long tube, which is characterized by a thick muscle layer. The smooth musculature, which ensures optimal forward transport of the sperm, is divided into three layers. Thus one distinguishes an inner longitudinal layer, a middle ring layer and the outer longitudinal layer of the … Spermatic ducts

Superior Cervical Ganglion: Structure, Function & Diseases

Nerve tracts from the head and neck converge in the superior cervical ganglion or superior cervical ganglion. Anatomically, four broad areas can be distinguished, each comprising several branches; these rami belong to different nerve tracts and form part of the sympathetic nervous system. Damage to the cervical supercervical ganglion can result in loss of body … Superior Cervical Ganglion: Structure, Function & Diseases

Remove liver spot

Synonyms Birthmark, mole, nevus (= mole, plural nevi, nevus cell nevus, nevus pigmentosus, junctional nevus, compound nevus, dermal nevus Medical: Navüs The acquired moles do not have to be removed in principle, since they are usually benign in nature. The patient’s desire to remove the cosmetically disturbing mole (without suspicion of degeneration) is also a … Remove liver spot

Removal by laser | Remove liver spot

Removal by laser Laser removal of liver spots is becoming increasingly popular. Hardly any other method removes the disturbing skin symptoms so quickly, painlessly and with few side effects. Nevertheless, the method is not suitable for all liver spots! In contrast to surgical removal (excision), laser removal does not allow a subsequent histological evaluation. Thus, … Removal by laser | Remove liver spot