Black tea (Camellia sinensis)

Tea bushes Plant description His home countries are China, India and Ceylon. Today the plant is cultivated on a large scale in numerous areas. As a cultivated plant, the tea shrub is kept low, the leaves are dark green, elongated ovate, leaf edge clearly serrated. The white flowers with yellow stamens have a strong scent … Black tea (Camellia sinensis)

Lyme disease test

Synonym Lyme-Borreliosis TestBorreliosis is the most common infectious disease that can be transmitted by ticks. Carriers of this infectious disease are spiral-shaped bacteria, so-called Borrelia, which can be found in ticks in all regions of Germany. Although Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in Europe, the actual probability of infection after a tick … Lyme disease test

Burning in the belly

Introduction Burning in the stomach can have many causes and can become a real problem for those affected. Behind the burning sensation is often a harmless gastrointestinal infection, but appendicitis or reflux can also be hidden behind the burning sensation in the stomach. Other symptoms, such as nausea, fever or vomiting, can provide further clues … Burning in the belly

Left-sided burning in the stomach | Burning in the belly

Left-sided burning in the stomach Small protrusions of the intestinal wall are called diverticula (diverticulosis). They develop with increasing age and are promoted by lack of exercise, low-fibre nutrition and overweight. In cases of suddenly occurring left-sided abdominal pain, which manifests itself in the form of burning, fever, severe flatulence or slimy-bloody diarrhoea, an inflammation … Left-sided burning in the stomach | Burning in the belly

Burning in the stomach during pregnancy | Burning in the belly

Burning in the stomach during pregnancy Almost every woman encounters abdominal pain during pregnancy in varying degrees. Very often these discomforts, such as burning or stinging, are harmless and do not pose a danger to the unborn child. They are merely an expression of the growing demands on the mother’s body and disappear again completely … Burning in the stomach during pregnancy | Burning in the belly

Ratanhia (Krameria triandra)

Krameriaceae Plant description In the Andes of Bolivia and Peru this shrub grows in sandy locations. The leaves are long and pointed and hairy yellowish-white on both sides. From the red flowers spiny fruits are formed which contain only one seed. The root. One digs the fist-thick root of wild growing plants, washes and dries … Ratanhia (Krameria triandra)


Products Aronia berries, aronia juice, aronia tea, capsules and other products are available in pharmacies and drugstores, among others. Aronia is counted among the so-called superfoods. Stem plant The chokeberry bushes (black berries, black chokeberry) and (red berries, felty chokeberry) from the rose family originally come from North America. They also reached Europe in the … Chokeberry

Flaviviruses: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Flaviviruses belong to the Togaviridae and include several species that can cause different diseases – including tick-borne encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, and Murray-Valley encephalitis, as well as yellow fever and dengue fever. What are flaviviruses? Flavivirus is not a single pathogen; instead, the term describes a genus of viruses that can cause various … Flaviviruses: Infection, Transmission & Diseases