Pelvic floor

Introduction The pelvic floor represents the connective tissue-muscular floor of the pelvic cavity in humans. It has various functions and is divided into three layers: It is used to close the pelvic outlet and to secure the position of the organs in the pelvis. – The anterior part of the pelvic floor (urogenital diaphragm), The … Pelvic floor

Diseases | Pelvic floor

Diseases The pelvic floor can slacken in old age and then no longer perform the functions described above. Due to overweight, chronic physical overloading, poor posture or operations in the small pelvis, the pelvic floor can slacken prematurely and lead to incontinence. In women, the pelvic floor can also be weakened by childbirth. This can … Diseases | Pelvic floor

Tension | Pelvic floor

Tension The targeted tensing of the pelvic floor is a task that is very difficult to perform without instruction. Although the pelvic floor consists of deliberately controllable muscles, it is very rare to consciously tense these muscles alone. Fortunately, there are exercises that can be helpful in tensing the muscles of the pelvic floor. It … Tension | Pelvic floor

Acupuncture forms

Introduction In addition to the generally known body acupuncture where fine disposable needles are inserted into the previously determined acupuncture points along the meridian system, there are various other measures by which this effect can be intensified. Skull Acupuncture Yamamoto skull acupuncture (YNSA), for example, is a proven method in which only points on the … Acupuncture forms

Nutrition therapy | Acupuncture forms

Nutrition therapy A nutritional therapy accompanying acupuncture is adapted to the respective clinical picture. It is based on Chinese dietetics, which states that the choice of food, its tastes and methods of preparation influence the body’s functions. In this way, complaints can be reduced and recovery processes can be significantly promoted. The positive effect of … Nutrition therapy | Acupuncture forms

What to do when an atheroma bursts? | Atheroma – You must know that!

What to do when an atheroma bursts? Occasionally an atheroma can burst open. It is important to know that bursting is not a cure for the atheroma. If pus has emptied, the wound can be rinsed with wound disinfectant and the inflammation can be contained. In any case, a doctor should be consulted. This doctor … What to do when an atheroma bursts? | Atheroma – You must know that!

Should one take antibiotics in case of an atheroma? | Atheroma – You must know that!

Should one take antibiotics in case of an atheroma? A bacterially infected atheroma may not be operated on in the inflamed state. In this case it may be necessary for the doctor to first prescribe a suitable antibiotic. Once the inflammation has healed, the atheroma can then be surgically removed. It is important to note … Should one take antibiotics in case of an atheroma? | Atheroma – You must know that!

Can the atheroma be treated non-surgically? | Atheroma – You must know that!

Can the atheroma be treated non-surgically? Some people who want to avoid the small operation try to heal the atheroma through homeopathy. Homeopathy is a doctrine that is dedicated to treating the whole person rather than just the disease. It tries to treat the predisposition that has enabled the person to develop the particular disease. … Can the atheroma be treated non-surgically? | Atheroma – You must know that!

Atheroma in the genital area | Atheroma – You must know that!

Atheroma in the genital area Atheromas in the genital area are also harmless and do not necessarily require therapy. However, many people find atheromas in the genital area more disturbing than in other parts of the body. Depending on their location, atheroma can lead to a restriction of sexual intercourse. Under certain circumstances, this restriction … Atheroma in the genital area | Atheroma – You must know that!

Atheroma on the cheek | Atheroma – You must know that!

Atheroma on the cheek Atheromas of the cheek are often discovered very early. This is not due to an increased symptomatology, but simply because the swelling on the face makes it very quickly noticeable to the patient himself and his fellow men. Even if atheromas of the face are often perceived as cosmetically disturbing, they … Atheroma on the cheek | Atheroma – You must know that!

Atheromas in the armpit | Atheroma – You must know that!

Atheromas in the armpit Atheromas can also occur in the armpit area. Alternatively, in the case of reddened, painful swelling in the armpits, swollen lymph nodes should also be considered. An acne inversa can also sometimes appear similarly. Acne inversa is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, which can lead to abscesses (pus cavities) … Atheromas in the armpit | Atheroma – You must know that!