Causes of Alzheimer’s disease

Synonyms in a broader sense Alzheimer’s disease causes, dementia causes, Alzheimer’s dementia Alzheimer’s dementia is characterized by the destruction of brain cells, which manifests itself in a shrinkage (atrophy) of the affected brain regions. The cerebral cortex of the frontal, temporal and parietal lobe and the hippocampus are particularly affected. The hippocampus is a central … Causes of Alzheimer’s disease

Borderline during pregnancy | Borderline syndrome

Borderline during pregnancy Women who suffer from borderline disease can in principle become pregnant in the same way as other women. However, especially during pregnancy, psychological/psychiatric treatment is extremely important for women with borderline disease in order to avoid possible harm to the unborn child. Especially the tendency to substance abuse, for example the use … Borderline during pregnancy | Borderline syndrome

Borderline and sexuality | Borderline syndrome

Borderline and sexuality Borderline syndrome is also of great importance for the sexuality of the affected person. Since the sufferers have a disturbed ‘ego-identity’ (in the sense of a lack of self-perception), they do not really know themselves or their sexual preferences. Borderliners often have difficulties in distinguishing between ‘you’ and ‘I’, resulting in the … Borderline and sexuality | Borderline syndrome

Borderline syndrome

Emotionally unstable personality disorder, BPD, BPS, self-injury, parasuicidality English: borderline Definition The borderline disorder is a so-called personality disorder of the “emotionally unstable” type. Here, personality is understood to be the characteristics and behaviour of a person with which he or she reacts and will react to certain situations. Emotional instability means that the borderline … Borderline syndrome

First signs | Borderline syndrome

First signs The mental illness popularly known as borderline disorder is referred to in psychiatric jargon as an emotionally unstable personality disorder. This term already contains some references to symptoms that can be present in borderline disorders. In particular, patients with this disorder tend to be very moody and frequently have uncontrollable emotional outbursts. They … First signs | Borderline syndrome


Synonyms Anemia, blood deficiency, bleach-seeking English: anemia Definition Anemia is a common symptom. Anemia is a reduction in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes), the red blood pigment (haemoglobin) and/or the cellular component of the blood (haematocrit). The haematocrit describes the percentage of blood cells in the total blood volume. The erythrocytes are formed … Anemia

Anemia symptoms | Anemia

Anemia symptoms The various symptoms of anaemia are either a direct result of the oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) or the body’s compensation mechanisms. Often, the patients’ first symptoms are tiredness and exhaustion. Due to the oxygen deficiency, the skin and mucous membranes are often pale. As the brain also cannot get enough oxygen: occur. If the … Anemia symptoms | Anemia

Prognosis of anaemia | Anemia

Prognosis of anaemia The prognosis of anaemia also depends on the cause and cooperation (compliance) of the patient. The spectrum ranges from temporary substitution (of e.g. iron) to the lifelong administration of vitamins. Certain forms are even fatal if left untreated. Summary Anemia is a common disease which can have various causes. These range from … Prognosis of anaemia | Anemia

The Betaisodona® Ointment

Introduction – What is Betaisodona® Ointment? Betaisodona® Ointment is an antiseptic (germicidal agent) that is applied to the skin. It contains iodine as the active ingredient in a chemical compound. Betaisodona® Ointment is used to treat injuries or open wounds. The ointment can be purchased without a prescription from the pharmacy and is often part … The Betaisodona® Ointment

Contraindications – When should Betaisodona® Ointment not be given? | The Betaisodona® Ointment

Contraindications – When should Betaisodona® Ointment not be given? There are only a few contraindications for which Betaisodona® Ointment should not be given. It should not be used if there is already hypersensitivity to iodine or other components of the ointment. However, this is usually only known if symptoms such as itching or the formation … Contraindications – When should Betaisodona® Ointment not be given? | The Betaisodona® Ointment