Bladder cancer therapy

The therapy of bladder tumours depends on the individual stages. Tumours that do not grow muscle-invasively are resected transurethrally. The tumour is resected through the urethra with the help of an electrical loop and flushed out of the bladder. The resection must be performed deep into the bladder layers in order to completely remove the … Bladder cancer therapy

Side effect of irradiation | Radiotherapy for breast cancer

Side effect of irradiation The dose of 50 Gy is well tolerated by the majority of patients. Complaints that can often occur after radiotherapy are redness and hypersensitivity of the skin at the treated area. Reddening of the skin is an acute complication of radiotherapy. It can manifest itself symptomatically as a burning sensation in … Side effect of irradiation | Radiotherapy for breast cancer

What are the possible late effects of radiotherapy of the breast? | Radiotherapy for breast cancer

What are the possible late effects of radiotherapy of the breast? Depending on the size and location of the tumour, radiotherapy may require several sessions, for example up to 36 or more sessions. Depending on the absorbed dose, the adjacent skin of the affected region is also damaged. This can also affect the mucous membrane … What are the possible late effects of radiotherapy of the breast? | Radiotherapy for breast cancer

Radiotherapy for breast cancer

Introduction For patients with breast cancer, there are various treatment options. In principle, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy and/or surgery are available. Which therapy the gynaecologist will choose depends on various factors, including the age of the woman and whether or not she has had her last period, the size of the tumour, certain tissue characteristics … Radiotherapy for breast cancer

Around the irradiation | Radiotherapy for breast cancer

Around the irradiation Gray is a unit that occurs in physics. This unit is derived from a formula for determining the absorbed dose. The unit is defined as one joule per kilogram. This corresponds to one Gray. The absorbed dose is caused by ionizing radiation. This is used in medicine as part of radiation therapy, … Around the irradiation | Radiotherapy for breast cancer


Artemisia absinthum Absinthe, Stomachwort, WormwoodWormwood is a characteristically smelling herb that grows to waist-high, the stem and the lancet-like leaves are silvery gray hairy. In addition, wormwood has numerous hemispherical and light yellow flower heads. It is very similar to mugwort in appearance and effect. Flowering time: June to September Occurrence: The plant prefers dry … Wormwood

Gum recession

Definition Gum recession is a process in which the gums slowly retract and parts of the tooth root become visible. This is a complex process in which various causes play a role. In addition to the widespread disease “periodontitis“, often referred to as “parodontosis”, an incorrect brushing technique or a disease of the body can … Gum recession

What symptoms accompany gum recession? | Gum recession

What symptoms accompany gum recession? Depending on the underlying disease, various accompanying symptoms can occur. If the receding gums are caused by an incorrect brushing technique, the affected teeth are usually only slightly to moderately sensitive to cold. However, when periodontitis manifests itself, there is often heavy bleeding of the gums and loosening of the … What symptoms accompany gum recession? | Gum recession

Baby’s hydrocephalus

Introduction Hydrocephalus in babies means an increased accumulation of fluid in the head. The brain of every person is surrounded by cerebral fluid. This cerebral fluid is subject to a closed system in which it is both produced and absorbed. In the brain there are cavities, the so-called ventricles, which are intended for the cerebral … Baby’s hydrocephalus