Summary | Physiotherapy exercises for osteoporosis

Summary Osteoporosis can be promoted by several factors, such as vitamin D and calcium deficiency, little exercise, obesity, bone disease or hereditary factors. After the diagnosis it is important to improve the calcium and vitamin D household and to reduce the harmful factors. Sport and exercise help to nourish the bones and ensure that the … Summary | Physiotherapy exercises for osteoporosis

Physiotherapy after a bone fracture

The fracture is one of the relatively common injuries in our society. There are many causes and manifestations and thus many types of treatment. The operation of a simple bone fracture is a routine procedure nowadays and with an appropriate physiotherapeutic follow-up treatment it usually has a good chance of healing. Physiotherapeutic intervention The physiotherapeutic … Physiotherapy after a bone fracture

Exercises from physiotherapy under stress | Physiotherapy after a bone fracture

Exercises from physiotherapy under stress As soon as it is possible for the patient to get up, this should also be done to make the physiotherapy more effective. It should be trained with patience, listen to the body and never ignore pain. Small progress will show you that things are steadily improving. An education of … Exercises from physiotherapy under stress | Physiotherapy after a bone fracture

Wound healing from a bone fracture | Physiotherapy after a bone fracture

Wound healing from a bone fracture If there are only two parts of the fracture which are still very close together, it is possible that these parts can grow together again without surgery by immobilising them in a plaster cast and then applying appropriate stress stimuli. In all other cases, the fracture parts are reconnected … Wound healing from a bone fracture | Physiotherapy after a bone fracture

External Fixator: Treatment, Effect & Risks

An external fixator is a holding device used for the therapy of injured parts of the body. The treatment method counts as osteosynthesis. What is external fixator? External fixator is a holding system that is used to immobilize bone fractures. External fixator is a support system used to immobilize bone fractures. In particular, complicated fractures … External Fixator: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Physiotherapy gait training

The gait training is of great importance in physiotherapy. Quite unconsciously, we learn to walk as a child and do not worry about how we move in everyday life. However, as soon as injuries, orthopedic malpositions or even neurological diseases lead to limitations, these also have an enormous effect on our gait. For example, if … Physiotherapy gait training