X-ray examination of the child

Introduction X-ray examination in the child is understood to be the taking of an X-ray image using X-rays for the diagnosis of specific diseases. X-rays are particularly suitable for assessing bony structures. Soft tissues such as the organs become more visible through an ultrasound examination or an MRI. In children, however, there are a few … X-ray examination of the child

What are the alternatives? | X-ray examination of the child

What are the alternatives? Alternative imaging methods are mainly ultrasound and MRI. However, both are more suitable for the examination of soft tissues such as organs and less for the assessment of bones. In very young children, however, much of the skeleton is not yet ossified and still consists of cartilage. This means that ultrasound … What are the alternatives? | X-ray examination of the child

Fracture of a tarsal bone

Introduction The tarsal bones include a total of seven bones. These include the talus (talus), the calcaneus (calcaneus), the scaphoid (Os naviculare, see: scaphoid fruit in the foot), the cuboid bone (Os cuboideum) and three sphenoid bones (Ossa cuneiformia). A fracture of the talus or heel bone is particularly common. Both are important for the … Fracture of a tarsal bone

Plaster Substitute: Applications & Health Benefits

Broken bones, torn ligaments, sprains, bruises and Co. : They all need to be fixed, stabilized or immobilized. Mostly this still happens today with a plaster cast. In the meantime, however, there are also plaster substitutes. However, these also bring advantages and disadvantages compared to the ordinary plaster. What is a plaster substitute? In part, … Plaster Substitute: Applications & Health Benefits

The xiphoid process

Definition – What is the xiphoid process? The sword process – also called “Processus Xyphoideus” – is the lowest part of the sternum. The sternum can be divided into three parts. It resembles a sword in its entirety. At the top, between the clavicles, lies the handle (Manubrium Sterni). The middle part, where the second … The xiphoid process

Pain and swelling of the xiphoid process | The xiphoid process

Pain and swelling of the xiphoid process The diagnosis of a sternal swelling is usually made by a pressure test. Therapy is carried out with painkillers, which can also be injected directly into the spinal cord in cases of severe pain. Other treatment options for pain relief include acupuncture, physiotherapy and muscle-relaxing medication. Heat or … Pain and swelling of the xiphoid process | The xiphoid process

Arm Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Arm pain can have a variety of causes. Depending on the underlying disease, other symptoms accompany the discomfort. The course of the disease and treatment also depend on what causes the arm pain. What is arm pain? Arm pain, upper arm pain or pain in the shoulder occurs frequently. Only rarely is there a disease … Arm Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help